Border Gezi Training Camp Deputy Commandant Monica Mguni has died.
She suffered a stroke on Sunday and died at the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) on Monday.
Mguni was 56.
A family member Ms Adelaide Ndlovu said Mguni will be buried at Nkulumane Provincial Heroes Acre tomorrow.
Mguni worked at the Ministry of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment as the Deputy Commandant at Border Gezi Training Camp in Mashonaland Central Province at the time of her death.
She was born on August 24, 1960 in Mtshabezi and did her primary education at Sankonjane Primary School in Matobo District.
Mguni, joined politics and became the company instructor for C in the second group training female cadres under ZIPRA forces.
She joined the liberation struggle in 1977 in Zambia, Mkushi Training Camp.
She was trained and specialised in Artillery under Brezneve and Zvobgo.
After cease fire she returned home and was discharged at Siera assembly point in 1980.
The same year she was appointed as an election agent of the Patriotic Front (PF) stationed at Nembudziya Mission in Midlands Province.
She remained in the party structures. Mguni is survived by five Children, three boys and two girls.ZP