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Army disowns chicken-stealing ‘soldier’

The Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) has disowned Rushmore Nyamutata who was convicted of stealing four chickens.

File picture of Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) soldiers on parade
File picture of Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) soldiers on parade

Nyamutata was sentenced to 10 days or to pay a $50 fine at Mutare Magistrate’s Court on May 24.

“…Nyamutata ceased to be a member of the ZNA in 2014, having been discharged on disciplinary grounds,” army public relations director lieutenant colonel Alphios Makotore said.

Nyamutata — who was serving under 1 Mechanised Battalion at Inkomo Barracks — was discharged from the ZNA on May 19, 2014 for contravening paragraph 15 (2)(a) of the first schedule to the Defence Act (Chapter 11:02), Makotore said.

He said Nyamutata absented himself without official leave for 116 days and was tried by the General Court Martial, which sentenced him to three months’ imprisonment and discharged him from the ZNA.

In stories carried by the Daily News, Nyamutata was referred to as a member of the ZNA.

“…this is no longer the case as…,” Makotore said. Daily News

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