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Beatrice farmer names his bull after opposition leader Nelson Chamisa

Nelson Chamisa

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa has granted a Beatrice farmer to name his newly purchased bull after him citing that the beast reminds him of Chamisa’s tenacious fight against the Harare administration.

Posting on Twitter, one Shingi Muringi said, “Dear President @nelsonchamisa, my uncle is not on Twitter but he just purchased this young boran bull in Beatrice. He has asked me to kindly request naming rights from you. He wants to call him Chamisa. Hanzi mave chikara cheZanu mdara, zita renyu riri kushayisa vanhu hope.”Eng. Shingie Lev Muringi (CCIE R&S)@ShingieMuringi1

Dear President @nelsonchamisa, my uncle is not on Twitter but he just purchased this young boran bull in Beatrice. He has asked me to kindly request naming rights from you. He wants to call him “Chamisa”. Hanzi mave chikara cheZanu mdara, zita renyu riri kushayisa vanhu hope.

The request was warmly received by Chamisa who said, “Wow! You have really made my day hilarious and a truly happy Africa day. Our Smart agriculture has BIG cattle ranching in it. Congrats…Rights granted!”nelson chamisa


Wow! You have really made my day hilarious and a truly happy Africa day. Our Smart agriculture has BIG cattle ranching in it. Congrats…Rights granted!Givy Givy@givrejReplying to @ShingieMuringi1 and 2 others

Hhehheh chikaraSource – Byo24

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