Crime & Courts Main News Zimbabwe

Boy who kicked three year old girl on the privates for not sitting properly is jailed

GUTU- A boy from (who could not be named as he is under 18 years of age) of Mugwagwa Village under Chief Chimombe has appeared before Gutu Resident Magistrate Victor Mohamad for allegedly kicking a three-year-old girl on the privates for not sitting properly.
The matter was heard on Tuesday.
The State alleges that on January 20, 2018 at 10am the boy  went to the juvenile’s home place and found her in the company of her 17 year old brother.
The child was not sitting properly and he allegedly kicked her vagina with a booted foot and ordered her to sit properly.
The matter was reported to the Police leading to his arrest and the child was medically examined.
He was sentenced to three months imprisonment wholly suspended on condition that he did  not commit the same offence.
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