Main News Zimbabwe

BREAKING NEWS| Sekeramayi leads plot to oust Mnangagwa

Zanu PF battle to succeed ageing President Robert Mugabe late today (Tuesday) took a nasty turn after a Grace led  G40 led faction converged in Harare in a bid to oust VP Emmerson Mnangagwa ahead of  Politburo meeting on Wednesday, can reveal.

According to intelligence sources close to the Mnangagwa camp, VP Mphoko, Sekeramayi, Ignatius Chombo, Jonathan Moyo, Savior Kasukuwere and Dick Mafiosi met this evening to plot against Mnangagwa and make sure they attack command agriculture programme as well as to plan to personally expose him .

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The meeting took place at Saviour Kasukuwere’s government complex in Harare. Sekeramayi ‘s presence is seen  to be used as bait to lure security service chiefs
Kasukuwere wants to push the narrative that Mnangagwa and General Chiwenga were flying into Mashonaland Central to rally their support but he refused. Mnangagwa camp scoffed at his claims saying it never happened.
Mphoko has said he wants to attack Mnangagwa  so that Kasukuwere  case is lost during much-anticipated politburo  tomorrow.

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