Crime & Courts Main News

Breaking News: Zimbabwe top prosecutor Tomana awaits bail ruling

by Chimuti Chimuti

HARARE-Prosecutor-General Johannes Tomana arrived at the Harare Magistrates Court this afternoon while under heavy police escort and his bail hearing is set for 6 30pm Zimbabwe time, can reveal.

Although he was not in hand-cuffs, Tomana was accompanied by four detectives and several uniformed police officers including anti-riot officers.

His  his charges are that of serious misconduct in public office.

“He authorized the release of people who are facing serious offenses. The accused (Tomana) committed a serious offence,” Thulani Ncube, the police officer who is leading the case told court.

Tomana has been charged of defeating course of justice, or abuse of public office. The state papers say he authorized chief law officer Michael Mugabe (cousin of the president) to release TWO of those accused of plotting to bomb Mugabe’s farm. Today, the four had fresh charges of treason.

Lawyer for Tomana told court that Mugabe was arrested together with Tomana but was released yesterday.

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