THE recently-installed Zanu-PF Mashonaland East interim provincial executive which replaced the factionalism-dabbling team led by ousted chairman Ray Kaukonde, says it is ready to deliver and has allayed fears the party, which has been grossing good electoral figures in the province, would suffer from recent purges.
The team, led by former governor Aeneas Chigwedere convened its first meeting on Saturday, where it resolved to come up with district management committees to overhaul the systems that had been manipulated by Kaukonde.
Kaukonde was the kingpin for the ousted Vice President Joice Mujuru faction that sought to unconstitutionally unseat President Mugabe.
On Saturday, the interim team also resolved to immediately begin educating ordinary Zanu-PF cadres who had been misled by Kaukonde putschists.
“Mashonaland East was the seedbed, the nursery, of what came to be known as gamatox and all that followed,” said Chigwedere in an interview at the party offices yesterday.
“Structures were there but they did not serve the agenda of the party and President Mugabe. So we are going to focus on restructuring all structures from grassroots, that is, at cell level going upwards.
“We are supposed to complete that by end of April and if we need more time for any reason we will ask for it,” he said.
Chigwedere explained that the District Management Committees were meant to ease the coordination of the interim team and these would cascade to lower levels.
“We have nine administrative districts in the province and each is going to end up with an interim district management committee whose tenure will concur with the life of our interim team,” he explained.
A meeting next Saturday will receive names of members of the DMCs which will comprise of 10 members.
Of the 10, three will be representatives of the war veterans, the Zimbabwe Ex-political Prisoners Detainees and Restrictees Association (Zippedra) and Zimbabwe Liberation War Collaborators Association (Ziliwaco).
In turn, the DMCs will be divided into sections with subcommittees.
As these structures will be rolled out, existing party structures will be dissolved.
“We do not want to create parallel structures,” said Chigwedere, adding the reconfiguration would see the flushing out of bad apples.
“Our aim is not to be killing people even those who were in the so-called gamatox structures because you will find that most people didn’t know what they were being made to do or why they had to vote for certain people.
“In most cases only three people, the chairman, the women’s and youth league chairman would be the ones knowing. So there is need for educating people that they had been misled,” he said.
He said Zanu-PF would still post good results in future elections.
“We can surpass the previous figures if we give people education.
“Also, now that the likes of Kaukonde and (Simbaneuta) Mudarikwa have been exposed, do you think they can stand and win elections? The people belong to Zanu-PF and they have been voting for Zanu-PF so we will have equally high numbers in elections.”
zanu-PF national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere two weeks ago announced a 15-member team to run the affairs of the province with Chigwedere being deputised by Joel Biggie Matiza while academic Dr Charity Manyeruke is the secretary.HERALD