EMBATTLED Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition board chairman, Dewa Mavhinga, has resigned.
Mavhinga resigned on Monday following a bitter tussle for the control of the pro-democracy organisation with the group’s director, MacDonald Lewanika.
In a statement Monday, Mavhinga said he had resigned before violence rocked the organisation.
“I am stepping aside immediately to stop smear campaigns that this struggle for institutional values is just about personal interests.
“We condemn in the strongest terms the use of violence in all forms and the politicisation of administrative issues and now realise that the only way to save the best interests of the organisation is to step aside as I hereby do now,” said Mavhinga.
“As a way forward, and in the best interests of the organisation, I recommend the adoption in total of the original recommendations by the Gender Committee including that the entire Board and Senior Secretariat Management should step down and allow a process led by impartial, neutral people to lead a transformation process for the Coalition.”
Mavhinga said he respects the obligations and founding principles of the organisation hence his decision to step down.
“In the best interests of the Coalition and of our convictions, I see it fit to step aside and hope that Coalition members, with assistance from credible Coalition elders uninvolved in the current challenges, and the Heads of CSO Coalitions, will take the necessary immediate steps to return the Coalition to its founding values, harmonise genuine membership and convene a legitimate meeting,” he said.
On Friday, Mavhinga was accused of flouting the organisation’s confidentiality regulations after he allegedly revealed the contents of an audit report to journalists.
He claimed that the board had sanctioned the decision not to renew Lewanika’s contract which expires at the end of the year.
Mavhinga had earlier claimed that the board had voted seven to three in favour of the decision to terminate Lewanika’s contract.
While Mavhinga claimed that Lewanika and his secretariat had sought to undercut his board by getting former board chairperson Okay Machisa to sign the audit report, the minority report reveals that the issue was discussed at the stormy October 10 meeting.NewZimbabwe