Main News Money & Markets

Dokora Makes U-Turn On Goat Currency

PRIMARY and Secondary Education minister Lazarus Dokora has denied directing schools to accept livestock as alternative forms of payment by cash-strapped parents.

Dokora was quoted in the State controlled Sunday Mail newspaper this week as saying parents who cannot raise tuition fees for children can offer livestock in lieu of payment or do chores for learning institutions.

“Our schools have to be flexible and ensure those who do not have money to pay fees can work. For example, if there is a builder in the community, he/she must be given that opportunity to work as a form of payment of tuition fees.

“On the issue of livestock, the community has to arrange a market where everyone participates; from the school authorities, local leadership and parents themselves to avoid parents being duped,” Dokora said then.

His comments invited scorn from the country’s opposition and ordinary Zimbabweans who accuse the Zanu PF led government of running out of ideas to contain an economy that has rebelled against its policies.

Social media has led the government mockery, prompting a denial by the under fire education minister.

Dokora said his comments were misinterpreted adding that he in fact meant that parents who were struggling to pay fees in cash could instead consider selling their livestock to raise the fees.

“There are a lot of children whose parents had to sell livestock to take them through school,” Dokora said.

“So, the parents would sell their cattle, goats and then take the cash to school and that is what we are saying.

“They must create markets and arrange with local authorities to sell those goats or cattle. Our schools are not the market, but local authorities can arrange for such provisions.”

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