Bizarre Main News

Fake soldier victims identified, Police speaks

One of the two minor girls at the centre of the photos gone viral on social media featuring a man in army uniform is related to the abuser. They live in Mutare peri-urban and Rimbi in Chipinge. Investigations by The Man­ica Post revealed that the girls were molested during last term school holidays in Mutare, but did not report the abuse. The matter only came to light after an alert trainee teacher at one of the victims’ school in Zimunya raised alarm upon stumbling on the pictures on the social media Whatsapp platform last week.

“She divulged that the inci­dent happened when the girl had gone for school holidays in one of Mutare’s high-density suburbs.

“She said they were forced to pose naked or touch the knife-wield­ing Kuda’s private parts with him taking pictures.

“I submitted a full report to Mutare District Education Officer, Mr Nathaniel Machini on Monday. This is the first case of abuse we have expe­rienced at this school,” the school head said.

The Manica Post tracked the girl’s father (name withheld) on Wednesday who revealed that the girl was back at school and was acting normally.

The girl lives with her father (43) and her stepmother. The girl’s biological mother now lives in Birchenough Bridge after she got divorced from the girl’s father. The father says he only got to know that his daughter was a victim of abuse after police and organisations dealing with child welfare contacted him.

“Muromo Police, Childline and the Social Welfare officials last Friday came to me asking about my daughter’s welfare before asking me whether I knew about the abuse case. She spent her last school holiday in Mutare.

“She divulged to the people who interviewed her that Kuda, who I can also call my son had coerced them to pose nude and touch his privates with him tak­ing the pictures. Mwana akati mukoma Kuda ndozvaandiita.

“It is painful. This was not nor­mal. Responsible authorities should do something about it,” he said, adding that the medical report revealed that there was no penetration on the girl.

The two girls can be seen in the images exposing their private parts.

Kuda, in one of the images that went viral on social media, posed as a soldier wearing a Zimbabwe National Army combat.

He failed to pull off his disguise as Warrant Officer Class Two because he wore the rank’s sym­bol popularly known as chin­gorongoro aka chingolaz on the left hand instead of right hand.

What also exposed him as a fake soldier was the mixed up military look he was putting on. He was donning a Military Police beret with a services belt.

Mutare district education officer Mr Nathaniel Machini, confirmed hearing of the case and said his office was still to be furnished with a detailed report by the school administration.

“We have heard about the case, but I am still to get a full detailed report from the school adminis­tration. We will ensure that full investigations are done to get to the bottom of this disturbing matter. Such cases are usually referred to the police for further handling so that the perpetra­tors are brought to book,” said Mr Machini.

When contacted for com­ment, Zimbabwe Republic Police national spokesperson, Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba, said investigations were in progress.

“We will not divulge much information including the girls’ whereabouts because they are minors. It will traumatise them especially when they grow up. However, we can only reveal that investigations are currently underway.

“We want to find out how the alleged perpetrator got posses­sion of the army uniform among other things,” she said.


◆ The original article appeared in The Manica Post.

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