Prior to the congress the gang of joined forces with the Mnangagwa action and backed by first lady Grace Mugabe to dismantle the ousted former vice president Joice Mujuru.
The ZANU PF youths dumpers Mujuru and also joined GRACE’s bandwagon in what became to be known as the Mazowe Orange crush.
However days after Mnangagwa has been appointed vice president, a new wave of infighting has rocked the party with the four attacking Mnangagwa in the public media.
As the infighting takes centre stage the youths are now divided further widening fissures in ZANU PF.
The new secretary for administration in the youth league, who is also a strong Mnangagwa ally said the youths are watching developments in the party.
” we have been closely monitoring all the developments and events that have been unfolding in the country since our 6th national pple congress as the youth.We note with regret the evil tendencies and behaviour of some senior party leaders who are busy attacking our newly appointed leadership in the politburo especially our vice presidents.This shows serious disrespect to the President who appointed these people and we are not going to stand and watch such power hungry rot elements destroying the party that is going to be in our hands in the near future.Very soon we shall name and shame all of them so that the nation can know the type of leaders they are,how desperate and disobidient they are and how disrespectful they are,” Matutu said.
The youth league deputy secretary Kudzai Chipanga could neither deny nor confirm developments in the party have rocked the youth league.
“I am away but we can see there is tension in the party. I cannot say my position now but soon after the Festive holidays we will convene a meeting to come up with a position,” said Chipanga.
Chipanga, once a strong Mujuru ally defected to the Mugabe camp as signed showed Mujuru was going to be ousted.
Main News
Fresh Zanu PF infighting divides the youth league
- 06/01/2015
- 1 minute read