HARARE-Former Reserved Bank of Zimbabwe governor Dr Gideon Gono is set to be appointed First Vice President at the forthcoming ruling ZANU PF Congress next month.
Gono (54),also the former CEO of the Jewel Bank, formerly known as the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe, Banker and friend to the first family was earmarked for Manicaland Senate seat but the deal fell through due to a constitutional loophole.
However , a fallout between the current VP Joice Mujuru and the First Family has paved way for an alternative appointment, which will see Mujuru booted out.There has been media speculation that the aging President Mugabe would eventually appoint Gono as his successor, ahead of Munangangwa.
This revelation comes after Grace Mugabe said Vice President Joice Mujuru can lose her position to a man since the national Constitution provides that President Mugabe can appoint any person of his choice regardless of sex, First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe has said. The First Lady said while the Zanu-PF constitution provided for one of the Vice Presidents to be a woman, the national Constitution was supreme and its provisions prevailed.
Grace Mugabe made the remarks while addressing thousands of cross-border traders from across the country who thronged her Mazowe Children’s Home to endorse her elevation to the position of secretary for Women’s Affairs at the forthcoming Zanu-PF National People’s Congress, due in a fortnight.
Further , Psychomotor Activities Minister added that there is no one who is going to be voted into office except the President, who should then appoint the people he wants to work with.
There has been wide speculation that Gono was being groomed, since March this year after Mugabe toured the former central bank governor’s New Donnington Farm in Norton.
Mugabe for the first time in a long while openly defended Gono’s credentials and right to ascend to higher political office despite blatant opposition from some within Zanu PF and government.
Mugabe threatened action against state media journalists, who were being accused of slapping Gono with a media black-out, to render his immediate political ambitins useless. Mugabe made the fiery remarks, while touring Gono’s chicken farm in Norton.
“And kuPress, they tell me some of them that they are not allowed to print anything that has to do with VaGono and say izvi ndezvaVaGono (this was done by Gono),” Mugabe said. “Ahhh, why not? Ndingade kumuziva iyeye anonzi ari kudaro (I would like to know who is saying that).”
“Since when did he become the enemy of the party and of government? Ah hameno (I don’t know). So the Press, Press, Press, Press, if indeed you have been instructed not to write your articles and say what you have seen is a project yaVaGono (Gono’s) and say only you have seen some project by a Zimbabwean, I would want you to, if you are going to write about this, and say the president, yes, visited VaGono naMai Gono kuproject yavo yekuno semaitiro andagara ndichiita gore ne gore VaGono ndivo vandavhakachira (I have visited Gono). No other person. If anyone says you should not have written their names, come and tell me and that person will get my boot on his backside. No and we don’t want to be doing that to each other.”
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