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AMAZING GRACE | Grace comforts a man Mnangagwa tried to kill over girlfriend

Details are emerging of how Robert Mugabe’s preferred successor Emmerson Mnangagwa caused debilitating life injuries to rising television star Godfrey Majonga, ending his broadcasting career.
War veteran and former ZBC employee Milner Chaka told Now Daily’s undercover reporter exclusively that Mnangagwa and Majonga clashed over the late television news anchor Tsitsi Vera. Vera’s family now blames Mnangagwa for the incident, which plunged her into alcoholism, drug abuse and wild sexual behaviour, which resulted in her premature death from AIDS.
Chaka was with Majonga on the night in 1987 when the incident happened.
According to Chaka, Majonga and he visited Vera at her apartment in Avondale. Apparently the married Majonga was having an adulterous affair with Vera.
As the pair were meeting Vera, Mnangagwa suddenly appeared.
Narrating the ordeal, Chaka said Mnangagwa immediately flew into a rage. The then feared state security minister, now justice minister, ordered his bodyguards to switch on a stove. When it was red hot, the furious Mnangagwa gave Majonga two choices, either to sit on the hot stove or to jump out of a third floor window. Majonga was thrown out of the flat and landed on hard concrete, breaking his spine and suffering injuries which would confine him to a wheelchair for life.-Online

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