Main News Opinion & Columnist

Grace Mugabe’s worrying degrees of violence

Grace Mugabe

  • “Didn’t the President say when you are troubled, go and look for prostitutes?”-Grace Mugabe , 2014
  • Robert Mugabe Pasi neZanu PF slogan baffling delegates as Grace sends “ends this speech” note,2014
  • I almost punched him- on Ray Kaukonde,2014
  • Ini Amai Mugabe ndinobhutsura mhani!”-on Tomana ,2015

by Gregory Samaita

Grace Mugabe
Grace Mugabe

Grace Mugabe has called for the sacking of Prosecutor-General Mr. Johannes Tomana after his recent comments about the age of sexual consent. Without shame, Tomana asserted that 12 year old must be listened to by the courts if they wish to start families with older men, because he believes that they are capable of consenting to sex. Indeed Tomana’s comments were absurd to say the least, but it is quite ironic that Grace Mugabe referred to him as “bhinya” given her violent eviction of farm workers in Mazoe. In her perception Tomana is the worst that could have happened to Zimbabwe forgetting how the ZANU PF regime has led Zimbabwe into dilapidation and a pariah state.

Any attempt to defend Tomana is not only an affirmation of the ruthless patriarchy in Zimbabwe but a denial of the women’s plight. Nevertheless Grace’s comments must be put into perspective as well. Anyone who thinks she is an angel and true champion of women’s rights perhaps forgot who really she is. Nevertheless many will believe that Dr Gucci is really an angel. This is Zimbabwe we get it! The government got away with creation of Ministry of Psychomotor a good way of paying recycled dead wood.[vsw id=”Bh53kjZ0oPk” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]


Tomana must resign but Grace‘s comments on violence must not be taken for granted. She condemned Tomana as any decent person is expected to but the first lady isn’t really a champion of women’s rights or seems to care much about young girls. It’s one thing to be sincere activist and it’s another to just speak up because you are an opportunist. Dr. Gucci doesn’t understand the problems which many women outside her inner circles are going through. If your memory serves you well in 2014 in Chinhoyi at a World Blood Donor day Grace was quoted saying, “Didn’t the President say when you are troubled, go and look for prostitutes?” she doesn’t seem to comprehend the complicated conditions in which some of those women she demonized find themselves in. Rapists are bad and must suffer the wrath of justice but Grace made comments that they must be decapitated as a way of deterring their actions. Her lack of faith in civil laws which always convince her to resort to punching, decapitation and all forms of violence are a reflection of an already defamed individual. To say the least her affinity for violence is disgraceful.

As a first lady she is supposed to espouse peaceful, lawful and good leadership yet she brags for being violent. President Mugabe admitted in public that the first lady has uncanny behavior, “Ndozvandinoitwa kumba uku imi we,” after she reprimanded the nonagenarian. If Grace Mugabe want to be taken seriously as someone who has people’s concerns at heart she must behave and live so. There is nothing disheartening like her repeated comments priding in violence.[vsw id=”KRbwFf7v-Xo” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Grace threatened to physically assault Ray Kaukonde, “Kaukonde uyu ndakambomudeedza 2008; I almost punched him, ndamuudza kuti Kaukonde siya factionalism, the moment of reckoning shall come. Anotsvaga hukama nevanhu vari kuleader faction. He is my relative but he has supped with the faction,”[vsw id=”M2HKuegXcOE” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

In 2013, she admitted to beating up a journalist.”I noticed that one of my bodyguards was talking to a man holding a camera. He told me that they were arguing because the photographer was refusing to give back pictures he had been taking of me and the children. What he didn’t know is that I am a sprinter. … So I ran after him and I caught him. I started beating him. He was pleading with me to get the camera, please, I didn’t answer so I kept on punching him. I did not listen to him and continued beating him up,” she said.

On different occasions she threatened to spill the blood of anyone who tries to take away a farm she seized during Zimbabwe’s land reform Programme. Clearly Grace believes in her husband‘s philosophy of violence as a way of solving problems. No violence can be excused from someone who wants people to see her as decent and mother of the nation. Perhaps, it’s high time we should call her Dr. Disgrace!



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