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Hopewell Chin’ono , a UK Credit Card Scammer : Mliswa

Norton legislator Temba Mliswa has come out guns blazing accusing journalist Hopewell Chin’ono of being a credit card fraudster who is pushing the West’s agenda in exchange of his freedom against criminal charges in the United Kingdom.

We publish below the full text by Mliswa:

“@daddyhope I don’t need to be told anything about you. I know you and you know that. We were together in Slough in the UK with Supa and while some of us went for double shifts you never did. Why, because you made money fraudulently through credit card fraud

2/ Your narrative of being a correspondent for BBC is a fallacy because you were there on attachment. You are not a Christiane @camanpour or some such international journalists as you sell yourself to be as justification for the life you have

3/There was never anything special about your being a journalist as to have the kind of life you have. The reason is that you made money through credit card fraud and selling the country out to the West

4/ Resultantly, you have protected yourself against criminal charges by bootlicking the West whilst attacking your own country. Your bitterness with the government is also about how you lost out on the promised ZBC CEO position

5/ We were together in Operation Restore Legacy as you supported the new dispensation. You had been given assurances that you would take over at ZBC and had even struck some deals with foreign channels. However, that did not happen and you have become bitter

6/That has been inspiration for you to get on the payroll of foreign powers so as to hit back at the government. That’s why you are quiet on issues to do with whites whilst you are constantly ranting against the country. It’s your insurance against criminal charges from the West.

7/The issue of payments for legislators is about dignity, integrity and credibility of the office. The office cannot be compromised in its role of oversight. It’s not about the personalities that are occupying it.

8/Your lack of appreciation or acceptance of people occupying offices does not entail that you also lack respect for the office itself.

9/My argument about equipping and capacitation of Legislators has nothing to do with self-enrichment. It’s about the importance of the office, and shielding it from being compromised.

10/Some of us have been empowered through government programs& have no dependence on Parliament salary. In fact it’s the opposition MPs who are seriously compromised by the poor remuneration because for one to be effective as a legislator you have to fork out money

11/We spend more from our pockets than we are paid. We are paid around ZW$70 000 yet at some point in a year I spent over US$200 000, from my pocket, in the constituency because there is insufficient support of the MP’s office.

12/It’s short-sighted and anomalous to attack the office of the legislator just because you don’t like the personnel in it. Your preferred candidates will also find it hard to operate in it as long as it is not respected and capacitated as I’m advocating for

13/You are simply pulling things out of context to create a false proportion because that’s how you get paid. Some of us we do things out of principle and passion and are not on anyone’s payroll

14/When you were arrested I defended you as a matter of principle and not because I was being paid. Iwe unongoda zvevarungu manje nyangwe wakatsvuka hauyite murungu.

You can’t be a person who shoots everything about his country down. In Nigeria, @AlikoDangote has made millions but there is no talk of capturing the state which, at times, is an expression of inferiority complex, seeing a successful black person. Be patriotic.

Chin’ono however denies that he is under criminal investigation in UK. -Zimeye

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