The soldier who fired live rounds at State House is admitted in a Military hospital and allegedly being denied access to his relatives. The revelations were made by Jonathan Moyo on his Twitter Handle.
- Zimbabwe Army Boss Murombo Sacked After Deploying A Mentally Ill Soldier To Guard Mnangagwa
- Top army boss Murombo demoted
- Zimbabwe Soldier Deserts to Mozambique With General’s Car
- Zimbabwe Soldier Deserts to Mozambique With General’s Car
Pvt Novet Joshua Magandu 33yrs old is detained & admittedAdvertisementat KGVI 2 Referral Hospital Ward 1, Bed 3 & wasting away from taking a cocktail of 5 of the strongest antipsychotic drugs. He’s lost mental & bowel control in 2 weeks. His family has had no access to him since his arrest!
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- Chiwenga Buses All Relatives To His Homestead On Saturday
- Chiwenga kicks out wife from the Borrowdale Mansion
- Chiwenga Plots Mnangagwa Ouster
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