Main News Politics

MDC-T vows to recover funds externalised to Dubai, Hong Kong, China and Singapore

MORGAN Tsvangirai’s MDC-T has pledged to recover state resources looted by President Robert Mugabe’s regime once the party is in power.

Party spokesman Obert Gutu, reacting to the procurement of 365 election campaign vehicles by the ruling party using unexplained funds at a time the country’ social services are in shambles, said the MDC-T would make Mugabe’s cronies account for state resources they are pilfering.

“…the Zanu PF regime is illegally and fraudulently raiding financial and material resources from various state corporations such as Zesa Holdings, Zinara, Zupco and NSSA in order to
fund the operations of the ruling party,” Gutu said at the weekend.

He added, “As the most popular political party and indeed; as the government-in-waiting in Zimbabwe, the MDC, when we take over state power in 2018, shall immediately institute a thorough and holistic audit of all state resources to ensure that all those persons who have ransacked and stolen from the state and its various institutions shall be held to account.

“In fact, the new government will effectively trace and recover all looted assets; including the billions of dollars in public funds that have fraudulently externalised to foreign countries such as Dubai, Hong Kong, China and Singapore.”

Gutu, who claims the vehicle fleet cost $20 million, lambasted Mugabe’s government for its insensitivity to the needs of impoverished masses.

The purchase is just one in a pool of unjustifiable expenditures by government officials.

First Lady Grace Mugabe recently made headlines after she admitted being duped of $1,4 million by a Lebanese diamond dealer who was supposed to provide an anniversary diamond ring.

She said the anniversary gift was from Mugabe and purportedly paid for from family savings.

Every year Zanu PF holds a congress which normally has a budget of $3 million. The 21st February celebrations held annually to mark the birthday of the nearly 93 year old Mugabe also chews around $1 million.

Currently Mugabe is enjoying his annual holiday in the Far East with over $6 million at his disposal.

Mugabe’s top allies have also come to be known for lavish lifestyles with his political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere reportedly owning a 50-roomed mansion in the capital.

Gutu cited the admission by Zanu PF higher minister Jonathan Moyo that he used Zimdef funds to purchase bicycles for traditional leaders in his constituency as emblematic of the general arrogance of government officials.

“Such is the brazen stealing and ransacking of State resources by senior Zanu PF politicians that it is actually fashionable and trendy to loot and pilfer State – owned funds and other material resources,” he said.

Gutu encouraged frustrated Zimbabweans, who had in the recent past taken to endless protests, to remain hopeful in the face of such insensitivity.

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