SUNDAY “Mhofu” Chidzambwa has distanced himself from a petition prepared by the Lifelong Footballers Trust of Zimbabwe calling for the dissolution of the ZIFA board.
The former Zimbabwe captain and coach was one of a number of prominent former footballers whose names appeared on the petition that has been circulating in the capital.
The Dynamos legend told The Herald yesterday that he rejected attempts by some members of the Lifelong Footballers Trust, led by its founder Francis Zimunya, to be part of their movement to push for the dissolution of the ZIFA board.
The movement accuses ZIFA president, Cuthbert Dube, for alleged corruption, factionalism, vote buying, financial mismanagement, poor governance and leading a dysfunctional national football governing body.
Chidzambwa said yesterday he was not part of that movement.
“I see that my name has been mentioned in some newspapers that I signed a petition calling for the dissolution of the ZIFA board,” Chidzambwa said.
“I want to make it very clear that is not true.
“What I can confirm is that I was approached at Raylton to put my signature to the petition and I said it very clear to those people that I was not interested in whatever they were pursuing and it’s wrong for them to turn around and say that I am part of them.
“People cannot wake up and say Sunday is part of us, without me putting my signature, because I am old enough to make decisions without some people pushing me to do that or pretending that I am part of whatever they are doing.
“I didn’t put my signature on that petition and that should have been the end of their attempts to get me to be part of whatever they are doing and it’s wrong for people to abuse other people’s names simply because they feel those names might carry some weight and could help whatever they want to achieve.”
Chidzambwa, who has dedicated himself to grooming the next generation of young footballers in the capital, from the age of six to 13 through his football training school at Raylton Sports Club, said he had his issues with the ZIFA leadership which he has been fighting in the background.
“As you know, I have my issues with ZIFA, and I have been handling those issues in a very professional way, trying to find a way that is acceptable in football to resolve those issues, and there are some people on the ZIFA board who understand my plight and are committed that we find a solution,” said Chidzambwa.
“I have been engaging those people, in a very professional way, and I have been in football long enough to know the channels that need to be followed if we want to get things done.
“I have dedicated my time to training the little boys at Raylton because I care about the future of the game in this country and when I went to Brazil I saw that they catch their footballers at a very young age and that is why they are successful.
“So, I have decided to try it here and we are just starting but the response has been good and we hope to have more kids now that the school holidays are here.
“It’s just a small step but who knows where it will take us, say in 10 or 15 years, and I am more comfortable doing that than fighting to get people removed from their positions.”