Main News Politics

Military Scramble to Stop Mugabe From Axing Mnangagwa Today

Sources have revealed that President Mugabe held a meeting with a delegation from the military command late Sunday at the State House. The meeting was called by the Commander In Chief to brief the top brass of the military on the impending removal of Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The deliberations were kept under seal however the source revealed that President Mugabe informed the military of his intention to fire the Vice President citing irreconcilable differences. The president accuses the Vice President of working to undermine his authority.

It is believed that Gen Chiwenga, Air Marshall Perrance Shiri, Lt. Gen. Philip Valerio Sibanda and Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramai attended the meeting. The source said the military commanders tried to convince the President not to follow through citing uncertainty over the security risks at this moment.

It is unclear whether the military leaders managed to sway the president but judging by the fact that the President went on and called a rare press conference scheduled for this afternoon, it may be that their efforts are in vain. There has been talk that there is  already work underway to build a case to arrest Mnangagwa.

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