Main News Zimbabwe

Missing Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere Could Still Be In Military Custody In Zimbabwe

Contrary to the belief that Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere skipped the country our investigations are pointing towards a different direction. They could still be  within Zimbabwe and in military custody.

A number of media outlets have reported that Moyo and Kasukuwere escaped to Kenya. We have however reached out to Kenyan Immigration authorities who have indicated that they do not have any records of the two in their country.


Another lead had been that Moyo could have been in Swaziland where his first wife is from. We reached out to the Swaziland authorities in Mbabane who claim that Jonathan was not a guest in their country.

There has been a claim that Saviour Kasukuwere is en route to Equatorial Guinea  where he is expected to seek asylum. We tried to pursue this lead but without success.

So Where Are They?

We know that Jonathan Moyo is still using his twitter account. That has been the only proof of life. But things begin to get hazy from this point on.

Prof Moyo’s twitter is still tied to his Zimbabwean number. The number is not reachable however we noticed that the email that was attached to his handle was changed. We have been trying to get in contact with him but to no avail.

A source at Jonathan Moyo’s cellphone carrier indicated that the last known ping on cellphone towers was on the morning after the coup. The records indicate that the phone did not ping from around 2:48pm  then there was a 30 minute ping around 10AM on 15th November from a Mt Pleasant tower. The question is who turned the phone on if he had already left the country.

From the chronology of events Prof Moyo attended a strategy meeting meeting disguised as a planning meeting for the proposed Robert Mugabe University in Mazowe on the 13th. At that meeting Grace Mugabe is believed to have assured them that all was in control.  Moyo did not attend cabinet on Tuesday of the 14th.  He is understood to have met up with Kasukuwere and Zhuwao at a restaurant in Helensvale. They parted around 5pm as Moyo headed home. At this moment it was already clear that a coup was underway.

One source whom we reached out to was skeptical:

“If indeed Moyo and Kasukuwere escaped wouldn’t it be baffling that they had a better plan and intelligence than a former Minister in charge of police Ignatius Chombo?”

“A more plausible possibility is that both Moyo and Kasukuwere are in military custody. They knew they could build a case against Chombo but with Jonathan Moyo they really had nothing on him except the weak Zimdef  case.  Kasukuwere bought one of his properties from General Chiwenga, that alone could have become more complicated for the General. What if they kept both in custody and started sending the country onto a wild goose chase? ”

Until Moyo and Kasukuwere are located, it may as well be plausible that they are in military custody or could have been eliminated the Itai Dzamara way.

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