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Mnagagwa responds to Moyo’s Blue Ocean… Bona Mugabe Gang Rapped by Tanzanians story appears

By Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa| Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, a lot has happened since our last Politburo meeting where Professor Jonathan Moyo brought to this esteemed house what he said was an exposure of my alleged State Capture activities, Media Capture, Military Capture, successionist plan among issues.

As I promised that I would respond to these and other issues, I stand here today before you to unpack Professor Moyo’s serious allegations as contained in his presentation.

As you might all remember, I asked for a copy of Professor Moyo’s presentation in order to prepare for my response but it was never delivered to me for obvious reasons which I will now unravel.

And thank God, the refusal to give me his presentation has only helped to show the man that his and what he seeks to achieve.

My task was made easier by this man you see sitting here and whom I have said is CIA Agent working to infiltrate and destroy our Party.

I can tell you Your Excellency, the same presentation, including audio recordings of discussions of the last Politburo meeting done by Professor Moyo were delivered to Western Embassies by his right hand man Edmund Kudzayi, a man I shall talk about in detail later in my presentation.

On August 3 2017, the United States Embassy Senior Management and its Intelligence operatives met and discussed issues that we deliberated on here using a recording they have confirmed was made by Professor Moyo.

This was well before he released the same presentation to the media, which he now claims was stolen from him when we all know that he is the one who leaked it, the same way he has been leaking sensitive Government and Party information to his handlers.

His decision to distribute the proceedings of the meeting confirms who his handlers are and his not so hidden intentions in so far as his project to destroy ZANU PF from within is concerned.

If anyone doubted the source of previous leaks of Politburo and other high level Government meetings, here is the man. Whatever we are discussing in the Party and Government to push the country forward is easily being countered by our detractors using this charlatan.

Your Excellency if you needed confirmation that Professor Moyo is a CIA Agent, just ask him how he managed to deceive everyone here to bring gadgets that recorded our meeting and send the same to Western Embassies who have confirmed that the audio recording was handed over to them by Edmund Kudzayi.

There is more.

On 19 August 2017 it emerged that Kudzayi was the one behind the presentation made by Professor Moyo in our last Politburo meeting.

I will quote from a story that was published by Newsday.

Kudzayi caused the politburo video titled Mnangagwa Succession Plot Expose by Jonathan Moyo — Zanu PF Politburo Meeting, to be pulled down from social media site YouTube over alleged copyright infringement.

The video which was put up by 1stTV was pulled down after Kudzayi through his Digital Assets (Private)) Limited claimed it had property rights over the production.

“Your video has been taken down. A claimant sent us a legal notice about their copyrighted content in your video. As a result, your video has been removed from YouTube,” part of a notice on YouTube read.

Equally astounding are the lies being created with regards to my poisoning.

I can tell you with certainty that he is one who authored the report he presented to you over what he claimed happened in Masvingo during the late Shuvai Mahofa’s funeral.

What we now have is a situation where we have been compromised by Professor Moyo who trades sensitive information to hostile Governments.

I want to refresh your memories and remind you that we grappled with the Baba Jukwa issue and not surprisingly, the same people accused of being behind that project are the same people whom I can tell you not only recorded the Politburo meeting but gave it to Western Governments.

The question that I ask is; what else has been recorded and given to our enemies?

When we do planning are we sure that our enemies are not ahead of us?

Professor Moyo I challenge you to confirm or deny that you recorded us and gave information to Western Embassies.

Your Excellency, I put it to you that even American Ambassador Harry Thomas, and his colleagues can confirm what I have just said.

Secondly, after Professor Moyo refused to give me a copy of his presentation, we now find in the same media which he claimed I had captured.

Again I ask, who leaked that presentation to the media?

Let me get deeper with my presentation.

Your Excellency, I will give an overview of Professor Moyo’s successionist project in which characters like Dr Gideon Gono, Dr Ibbo Mandaza, Cde Saviour Kasukuwere to mention but a few are actively participating while using my name as convenience to mask their plot.

Although the above mentioned trio have one thing in common, that is destroying ZANU PF and tarnishing my image, their destinies are separate as they all use the succession issue to achieve their objective.

Professor Moyo has been luring Dr Gono, telling him that they will make him the country’s next President and I can tell you that there was a picture which circulated in the media where Professor Moyo was standing together with former advisor to Morgan Tsvangirai, Dr Alex Magaisa and Cde Kasukuwere at The Plot Restaurant.

Dr Gono was also present but he refused to be part of the picture crew, and this has been confirmed by Dr Alex Magaisa as well as his female companion who is well known to Professor Moyo and who happened to have accompanied him for coffee at that restaurant.

In return of the proposed Dr Gono presidential bid, Professor Moyo then pressured Dr Gono to use his influence as a shareholder in Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe (ANZ) and push Daily News Editor Hama Saburi to give the G40 Project positive coverage.

Added to that, on June 1 2017, Professor Moyo here made a presentation at SAPES Trust, a haven for regime change programmes where he made insinuations to the effect that Dr Sydney Sekeremayi was fit to succeed you.

Two issues that emerge here are;

  • By embarking on that route, Professor Moyo was openly talking about succession which issue you have said Your Excellency is not debatable. He is yet to be censured for dabbling in that issue.
  • By going to SAPES whose owner Dr Mandaza has been since late last year pushing for a National Transitional Authority (NTA), it effectively points towards a sinister joining of like minds between Professor Moyo and Dr Mandaza.

The idea then is to talk about succession outside the Party domain and then smuggle it in as is happening now.

This brings us to the question, who are the real successionists in ZANU PF?

The real successionist is Professor Moyo who is ably supported by Vice President Mphoko and Cde Kasukuwere here.

I ask VP Mphoko if he has ever given His Excellency minutes of the numerous meeting they hold at Number 4 Coffee Road?

Their Aides can confirm spending loads of time waiting for these men to finish their meetings which in most cases run into wee hours of the night.

Ironically they accuse me of holding clandestinely holding meetings and embarking on what they have christened a ‘whisper campaign’ without providing any evidence to back their spurious allegations.

To demonstrate that these men are vehemently opposed to your Presidency Your Excellency, these men spearheaded the negation of One Centre of Power principle which was a direct challenge to your leadership.

It is a matter of public record that it was Cde Dickson Mafios and Cde Kasukuwere who pushed for the whittling of your powers saying you should be elected at Congress.

On January 9 2017 Cde Kasukuwere called for a Commissariat Management Meeting here at the Party Headquarters, and members present at that meeting can testify that Cde Kasukuwere here publicly said the One Centre of Power Principle was undemocratic.

He vowed to fight it.

And he fought it.

To buttress his exasperation with the One Centre of Power Principle, Cde Kasukuwere personally instructed his media henchmen, Everson Mushava of Newsday and Fungai Kwaramba of the Daily News respectively to write stories attacking the Principle as well my person.

I shall deal with the Mushava and Kwaramba issue in detail in this presentation.

The following day Newsday had this headline, ‘G40 hunts VP, Team Lacoste’ while the Daily News ran a story under the headline ‘ZANU PF Revolts against Mngangagwa’.

This is why we must look closely at Dr Mandaza’s NTA project.

The NTA project being spearheaded by Dr Mandaza and ably supported by Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere is the new regime change project where a transitional government is forced on to the people of Zimbabwe outside electoral processes.

These people have been selling the narrative that there is a leadership vacuum in Zimbabwe, citing your age and alleged incapacity to handle state affairs as reasons for urgent need to a so-called transitional government.

A pointer is the SAPES Trust Convention held from June 29-30 2017 here in Harare at Rainbow Towers under the theme Zimbabwe in Transition; Reform and Reconstruction.

How can a SAPES Trust that gave Professor Moyo a platform to talk about succession, do any good to the country?

How can a Zimbabwe with an able leadership as yours be said to be in transition?

Professor Moyo has been consistent in his quest for succession before he joined ZANU PF and now when he is a member of the Party where he hobnobs with the likes of SAPES Trust and Chatham House.

Is it not then clear who a successionist is?

Why talk about transition and succession when we still have an able leader who has been endorsed by the Party?

This then takes me to the current problems being created through unmitigated and relentless lies by Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere who are in fact successionists professing fake love for you.

History which Professor Moyo is trying to rewrite is the best teacher in this regard.

ZANU PF’s history is replete with cases of members who have sought to divide the Party but not since the entrance in 2000 of Professor Moyo has the Party been confronted with the many threats to its survival as is the case now.

Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, the Party today is faced with the case of two divisive individuals, Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere whose insatiable quest for power is a matter of public record.

The two gentlemen in question have been relentless in their feverish pursuit for power as seen by previous and current actions which have rode on a divisive propaganda project whose thrust is to institute what they believe is regime evolution.

I have seen in the media stories saying I would bring past articles that were authored by Professor Moyo in order to prove my innocence.

You were very correct in those stories you fed to the media, but what you forgot to mention to those people is that shiri ine muriro wayo haiuregi.

You have been consistent in your pursuit for succession and I have been consistent in defending this man from your unrestrained successionist onslaught.

Where your past articles spoke comprehensively about succession, your actions today are even more pronounced about this stern push for the same issue.

Your SAPES Trust presentation is just but one of the many instances where your past articles prove today that your stance as seen by your past writings now gallantly manifests in the scary route you have taken today.

Where consistency in the succession issue is the trademark of your politics, defending President Robert Mugabe is the underlying factor of my politics.

So yes I have brought those articles to prove your consistency in your pursuit for succession.

I am now proving how you intend to achieve this succession issue that you hold dearly in your heart.

In order to achieve this Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, these gentlemen have been working in cahoots with opposition formations particularly the MDC-T and using my name as a decoy to hide their sinister project.

They have also been using various strategies which I will unravel as I go further with my presentation.

I will start with Professor Moyo.

It is clear from his utterances before he joined ZANU PF that Professor Moyo has harboured an agenda of destroying the Party whether from within (Statements which have been attributed to him) or otherwise.

These statements which have haunted his entire his career as a ZANU PF member are the same he sought to retract while officiating at the Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum (ZINEF) Annual General meeting on January 23 2015 but in the process exposing a more brutal analogy to his project.

During the ZINEF meeting, Moyo claimed that he had merely said ZANU PF must be ‘reformed’ from within.

I will quote him.

Now, if your uneducated mind translates reform as destruction, to hell with you. That is not my problem and I want to repeat that very statement that the best way to reform ZANU PF is from within, come and join us.

Cde President and fellow Politburo members, I have been trying to understand how a Party solid as ZANU PF can at any given time be said to be in need of reform or be said to have been reformed.

Perhaps Moyo can help me and others understand the import of that loaded statement.

In my view his article ZANU PF: An Introspection (Sunday Mail, August 7 2011) where he identified and I quote ‘at least seven current and critical national questions’ lays bare some critical insights into his so-called reform agenda.

In that article Moyo says ‘some comrades in the nationalist movement in general and in ZANU PF in particular seem to be afraid of change.’

What change and who are ‘some’ of these Comrades that seem to be afraid of change I ask?

Change from what to what if I may add.

Which brings me back to my earlier location of Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere’s links with the opposition MDC-T.

Together they have formed an alliance with their collaborators within the MDC-T and their thrust as the progressive elements they say they are is to remove the older generation surrounding you through means outside normal processes.

Nelson Chamisa confided with one of his friends that their plan is to among other things cause the purge of the Party’s senior leadership, one by one in order to create a free pathway for them to power.

In Chamisa’s own words ‘we need to deal with His Excellency in order to determine the future of ZANU PF’.

While Professor Moyo has in recent times sought to attack my person, office both in the Party and in Government through accusing me of embarking on what he calls State Capture, it is him who is on the contrary doing exactly that which he is accusing me of.

Evidence of his nefarious agenda is abundant and today I stand here to expose him for who he really is and what he been planning to do.

I will make reference to his articles, statements, actions and other material that has been written elsewhere to buttress my point.

In the same vein, I will bring to your attention the numerous incidences that he has confirmed that he is indeed working to destroy ZANU PF whether from within or from the outside.

For instance, an article in The Telegraph by Paul Lord in Harare 12:08AM GMT 06 Mar 2005 when Moyo was planning to form what he called the ‘Third Force’ is a case in reference.

The article runs thus, and I quote;

As recently as 1999, Mr Moyo was writing articles condemning the president. “His uncanny propensity to shoot himself in the foot has become a national problem which needs urgent containment,” Mr Moyo wrote in one newspaper. “Does the president not realise that when he belittles universal issues such as basic human rights, he loses the moral high-ground to his critics?” The question is has the Third Force Project been abandoned?

My answer is a resounding no.

The material is just too many to unravel one by one but I refer you also to the these two articles; Mugabe must go now: Jonathan Moyo published on March 7 2011 and Mugabe can lt stomach defeat published on April 11 2008.

I will further illustrate in this presentation that it is this cabal that initiated the succession debate in the media in their feverish pursuit of their diabolical plan to eliminate by all means possible their perceived challenges.

Far from supporting you Your Excellency and the Party, they have feigned loyalty by using your name to cause chaos, confusion and anarchy within the Party and in the country as a whole.

Here is a simple example of how they have transported their anarchist tendencies to key institutions in the country.

In a discussion with a senior member of the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC) on July 5 2017, Dr Daniel Shumba one of their allies revealed the Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere power grab plan.

Dr Shumba openly bragged to the ZPC official that they are supporting you for their own convenience.

This is what Dr Shumba said;

We are not stupid to support a 94-year o/d to contest the Presidential election

Your Excellency I thought the Party made a decision to support your candidature in order for you to serve the people.

In light of the above, it is also important to trace Professor Moyo’s history in so far as his resentment of our beloved Party and your Presidency is concerned.

In order to do that, let me first take stock of his time at the University of Zimbabwe where President Robert Mugabe and ZANU PF were subjected to a torrent of diatribes by Professor Moyo.

It is an inescapable reality that Professor Moyo has been an ardent critic of you Your Excellency when he was at the University of Zimbabwe and after.

But that he temporarily stopped his acerbic vitriol when he joined the Constitutional Commission in 2000 and subsequently Government cannot in any way exonerate him from his past misdemeanours.

This is because his past, present and even future activities as a sworn President Mugabe and ZANU PF critic supplies an embarrassment of riches which helps us understand the regime change agenda project especially in the context of Party infiltration and insurgency that he has been pursuing.

While it is common knowledge that Moyo has been against your leadership in particular and ZANU PF in general, let me refresh your memories by highlighting that he has feverishly sought to destroy the liberation struggle history by constantly attacking stalwarts of the struggle in the recent past.

Many of you will remember his embarrassing public spats with former Vice Presidents, Joseph Msika and John Landa Nkomo and Nathan Shamuyarira, among many others.

Your Excellency, these three great men are veterans of the struggle and it is not surprising today that we sit here again, seized with the same matter of the same Jonathan Moyo whose blatant disregard of that critical sector of our history is known to all of us.

From the above it is important for all of us to note that I am the third Vice President he has engaged in a fight with.

That alone tells a lot about his disdain for the country’s leadership.

I am Your Excellency therefore compelled to come to the conclusion that in Jonathan Moyo we have a man who is frantically trying to create a new narrative for the country through his resentment for War Veterans and the Party itself.

In Jonathan Moyo we have a man who has tried unsuccessfully to erase from our and people’s memories the history of liberation struggle which has been the glue that has bound us together.

It is imperative for you to note that in November 2012, the United States Embassy Public Affairs Section held a presentation where a collection of articles authored by former American Ambassador to Harare Charles Ray were translated to Shona.

Titled ‘Kwaunoenda Ndiko Kwakanyanya Kukosha Kudarika Kwaunobva’ the collection was aimed at rubbishing the country war of liberation among other issues.

Perhaps this where the resentment of Jonathan Moyo’s hatred of our history of the struggle comes from given his not so hidden links with the Americans.

And below is an article published by Mail and Guardian which brings to the fore the point I am making about his fights which should be seen in the light of his so-called reform agenda and his attempt to rubbish the liberation struggle.

Moyo burns his fingers

Dumisani Muleva 11 Jun 2004 00:00

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s propaganda chief Jonathan Moyo was stopped in his tracks by the old guard of the ruling Zanu-PF when he tried to elbow his way into the top echelons of political power.

Their move came as Moyo began openly to make a power play ahead of the party’s critical congress scheduled for December. The congress comes at a time when Mugabe has indicated he will step down as president of Zimbabwe when his present term expires.

Moyo has of late been making open attempts to build a power base for himself in his rural home in Zimbabwe’s Matabeleland North province.

In the process he has found himself in conflict with powerful rivals within the party.

Moyo recently clashed with Zimbabwean Vice-President Joseph Msika over the government’s seizure of a farm, Kondozi. Although Moyo managed to hold on to the farm, Msika warned that he would not be defeated by “little immoral boys”.

The high-profile clash, which was widely interpreted as evidence of a scramble for power, has deepened the divisions within the faction-ridden Zanu-PF.

Moyo threw fuel on the fire three weeks ago when he launched a thinly veiled attack on Zanu-PF spokesman Nathan Shamuyarira.

In the state-owned daily The Herald Moyo criticised Mugabe’s interview with British Sky News.

He said those who still believed that it was better to promote Zimbabwe’s interests through the “colonial and imperialist” media houses rather than on the “national media” were “outdated”.

This was seen as a broadside against Shamuyarira, who had facilitated the interview without Moyo’s approval.

In his outburst, Moyo also suggested that Mugabe had wasted time answering questions from “British intelligence operatives masquerading as journalists” that were either “very crude or very stupid”. This was seen as an unwitting attack on Mugabe, and it further infuriated Zanu-PF leaders.

Shamuyarira, the president’s confidant and a former journalist, apparently thinks that if he is allowed to speak to the global media, Mugabe could be useful in fighting negative publicity about Zimbabwe.

By contrast, Moyo seems to think that exposing Mugabe to long interviews with “hostile” media organisations can only worsen the situation, especially at a time when the president seems to be losing his grasp on many issues.

As shown over the past three years, Moyo’s strategy has been to ring-fence Mugabe and control the free flow of information.

Following hard on the heels of the government’s enforcement of its repressive media laws, which resulted in the banning of the Daily News and other papers in January, new measures are planned to gag Internet and email communication, The government is targeting Internet service providers, who could soon be forced to divulge the source of any e-mail deemed objectionable, unauthorised or obscene.

The new regulations mean that Internet service providers will have to sign a contract agreeing to cooperate with the authorities in tracing the sources of “offensive” e-mails.

It forbids the service providers to undertake any “anti-national activities”. But most of the Internet firms have vowed to resist the official censorship drive.

The clash between Moyo and Shamuyarira sparked a series of events that appears to have led to Moyo’s isolation.

It is understood that the attack on Shamuyarira forced Zanu-PF chairperson John Nkomo to complain in his weekly column in the party newspaper mouthpiece, The Voice, of lack of discipline and insubordination. Moyo was seen as the target.

Matters came to a head last week when Nkomo was openly slammed in The Herald by war veterans over the current tussles over land and farms. War veteran leader Joseph Chinotimba attacked Nkomo over the issue.

Angered by the rising trend of attacks on senior party officials, Zanu-PF bigwigs closed ranks and confronted Moyo during the politburo meeting.

Insiders say Shamuyarira tabled the issue before luminaries such as Msika, while retired General Solomon Mujuru — widely seen as the Zanu-PF kingmaker — led the assault on Moyo and other “undisciplined cadres”.

Zanu-PF sources say the attack in the politburo has left Moyo weakened and isolated.

After the politburo meeting, Nkomo wrote another column that insisted that “party members need to respect hierarchy”

Moyo’s situation was worsened by Mugabe’s statement, last week, that party officials who have been unprocedurally nominated as Zanu-PF candidates for next year’s general election will be rejected,

Moyo is one of those. His supporters in Matabeleland North recently claimed he had been nominated by “consensus” in a move seen as an attempt to help him avoid internal primary elections. Zanu-PF big shots are said to be plotting to block Moyo in the primaries to ensure that he remains a powerless appointed MP.

However, observers say that, despite the setbacks, Moyo is not finished yet, as Mugabe still needs his services as a spin doctor.

Curiously, the author of the above quoted article Dumisani Muleya is now Jonathan Moyo’s staunch ally!

Let me also make references to some damning statements he has made about you so that you get an appreciation of the gravity of the issues I have raised here.

“We are young, dynamic society led by an old stagnant clique”-Professor Jonathan Moyo

…he is without compassions {Mugabe} maybe because he is now too old, too tired and not in the best of health”-Jonathan Moyo

Your Excellency I get befuddled when personalities like Jonathan Moyo then come to us pretending to love you more than anyone else who has been with you through thick and thin.

I call it fake affection for you and for the Party.

Pure grandstanding!

You will also recall how difficult things were for the Party when we had our annual gathering in 2007 and the role that I played in bringing order and to push for your endorsement.

This is what Jonathan Moyo wrote in 2007 about you participating in any national election:

“The simple truth is that Mugabe has no national reason to seek re-election, and that ZANU PF is being particularly irresponsible by allowing him to do that in this disgraceful manner.”

When you Your Excellency spoke to thank the people that had endorsed you at the 2007 congress, Jonathan Moyo accused you of putting up what he described as ‘pathetic performance’.

He also added that fair-minded Zimbabweans in and outside ZANU PF who had or still have a soft spot for him for one reason or another did not know whether to laugh or cry, a statement taken from Dambudzo Marechera’s House of Hunger.

He is the same Jonathan Moyo who has accused you of speaking in a cranky voice, uninspiring and representing an unhappy past.

By making the gory insinuation that you represent what he believes is an unhappy past, Jonathan Moyo is in fact confirming what we are seeing today which is his resentment of veterans of the struggle, ZANU PF and even Command Agriculture Programme from which he has made disparaging remarks.

It is ironic that his current criticism of Government programmes is in tandem with his past attacks on your person and ZANU PF.

I am still grappling with evidence of where and when he changed his stance on you and the Party given his unabated and unrestrained attacks on your

Government’s initiatives.

I have given you this brief background so that you can have an appreciation of the fact that his current fights with war veterans and anything that ZANU PF does for the people did not start in 2014 as he is frantically trying to present to you and to the country as a whole.

He has since time immemorial been against you our number One war veteran, he has been against past Vice Presidents and now he is against current war veterans but in his wisdom or lack of it he accuses me of using war veterans to turn against you when he is the one who has been doing the same with reckless abandon!

It is paramount that we look at his current fight with anyone who loves you in order for him to create a wedge between us loyalists and him a divisionist.

We should also be aware that the West’s strategy to destroy ZANU PF revolves around a clearly laid out strategy by the name of Operation Shumba [Annexure 1] and Jonathan Moyo has been doing just that-picking up a fight with anyone and everyone who truly loves you and our Party ZANU PF.

Since Professor Moyo joined mainstream politics in 2000, he has always viewed and portrayed his opinion as the national interest when the opposite is true.

As I get deeper with my presentation, it is imperative that we all pay attention to his use, should I say abuse of media practitioners in his quest to undermine your authority.

I will present my case thus;

Militia Groups

Not only has Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere created parallel structures, they have gone on to form shadowy groups of thugs who unleash violence with a view to not only tarnish my person but to further their nefarious agenda.

Soon after a Central Committee meeting held here on June 9 2016, Vice President Mphoko, Cde Kasukuwere together with Shadreck Mashayamombe met the then expelled but now Party member Jim Kunaka at the Rainbow Towers Hotel.

At that meeting, Cde Kasukuwere tasked l<unaka to recruit youths from Joice Mujuru’s Zimbabwe People First party so that the youths would embark on a terror campaign that would then be attributed to my person.

In turn, Cde Kasukuwere would facilitate Kunaka’s readmission into the Party and this happened with no hurdles.

Kunaka was also promised a residential stand in Chishawasha and was given US$4 000 in cash.

To refresh Cde Kasukuwere’s memory, Kunaka in turn requested you to facilitate for his acquisition of land opposite the Coca Cola Plant along Chitungwiza Road.

Kunaka had claimed that he had investors from the United Arab Emirates.

Children of Zimbabwe War Veterans Association (COZWA)-

As part of Cde Kasukuwere’s initiative to gain unmitigated control of the Party, he created COZWA, an organisation headed by one Munyaradzi Shoko whose acerbic tongue has left its acid on me and many others including the First Lady Amai Dr Grace Mugabe.

COZWA was and is a brazen attempt by Cde Kasukuwere and coterie to rival another group, the Children of Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (CZNLWVA) which had been formed earlier on but never Caused the problems we see today.

As I have said, COZWA’s primary objective was to attack my person, spread malicious propaganda against me and to advance Cde Kasukuwere’s interests.

Interestingly, very few if any of COZWA’s membership are sons and daughters of war veterans.

This then raises questions about its intent and purpose but as I have indicated, the objective of COZWA has been clear.

Shoko’s background lays bare his group’s his sinister agenda.

He claims his father died during the struggle but he was born years after 1980.

Perhaps he is another Jesus!


The puzzle about the purpose of COZWA goes even deeper.

Here with me is a copy of a letter dated April 30 2017 which was authored and signed by Dr Chombo our Secretary for Administration.

The letter affirms COZWA as a duly recognised ZANU PF affiliate.

Does the Party Constitution empower the Secretary for Administration with powers to decide which pressure group should be recognised as Party affiliates?

By endorsing COZWA’s affiliate status, does the Party or the Secretary of Administration associate with the organisation’s disruptive agenda?

It should be noted also that COZWA prides itself in portraying the First Lady as sponsoring violence amongst the country’s citizens but at the same time claiming to be rallying behind Your Excellency


Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, you might be interested to know that COZWA runs a social media Whatsapp group named COHZWA where as of July 26 2017 had 256 youths from across the country as participants.

A common feature of the group members is that the majority of them are Cde Kasukuwere’s associates and general talk is the promotion of the capture agenda which is disguised as support for you Your Excellency.

Shoko himself confirmed on July 21 2017 about the objective and source of support and funding through a statement in which he apologised for bringing the name of the First Family into disrepute.

He disclosed that COZWA’s activities were being coordinated and directed by Cdes Kasukuwere and Mandi Chimene with Dr Daniel Shumba and Cde Mashayamombe as the financiers.

Shoko himself has also confided to Party members that he was being instructed by Cde Kasukuwere to commit acts of violence using my name.

This is what Shoko said in a widely circulated Whatsapp message;

Chipanga your days are Numbered

I hv bin defending Amai Mugabe vachirwiswa neLacoste nhasi maakundinyadzisa pamberi pevanhu handei tione.

So it means to support the family is an offence, why Amai didn’t support me instead she blasted me in day light.

But Amai Mugabe musakanganwe kuti makanga musisadiwa dai pasina ini, VaKasukuwere, Jonathan Moyo nhasi mungadai murikutaura zvamataura nhasi izvi hazvina hazvo mhosva ndazodzamisa ndangariro ndikazoziva kuti zvamandiita nhasi handisirini ndega wamaitira, vanhu vakawanda varikuchema nemi Amai, munoshandisa munhu kunge Condom momusiya mamuyanika pachena kuti adyiwe nemakarwe. Imi mozviita munhu akanaka.

Kana dziridzo politics dzacho handei tione.

Zvakwanda ndichazvitaura next week kuti vanhu Nyika yese izive kuti munhu akaipa ndiyani.

Ndini ndadaro


Munyaradzi Alexio Shoko

Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere here can confirm that soon after the Lupane Youth Interface Rally on July 21 2017 that they held a meeting at Cde Kasukuwere’s residence where they deliberated on several strategies with regards to their association with COZWA.

That meeting ended around 4 am on July 22 2017.

One of the strategies was to lie that I bought Cde Kudzanayi Chipanga a car and a house and that I had recruited him [Cde Chipanga] to turn against the First Family.

Shoko himself confirmed as much in a story that was published on the front page of the Daily News on July 25 2017 under the heading Mugabe youth strategy backfires.

If Cde Patrick Zhuwao is to be honest with you, he will confirm that he attended the meeting in question.

Blue Ocean Document Question

As part of Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere’s to alienate war veterans from the Party and from you Your Excellency, the duo have been creating documents purportedly written by war veterans under my instruction to create the impression that I am committing treason.

One such document is the so-called Blue Ocean Strategy which Professor Moyo and even Vice President Mphoko have repeatedly attributed its authorship to war veterans and me.

The fact of the matter Your Excellency is that it is their work, written by their own.

Cde Kasukuwere knows this face very well.

This is COZWA member Chamunorwa Shumbahuye and Cde Kasukuwere knows that this man is the author of the Blue Ocean document, but our Political Commissar here conveniently wants everyone to believe that this paper is the work of the so-called Lacoste faction.


Central to Moyo’s efforts to destroy ZANU PF from within has been his deliberate efforts to capture the media for his own ends.

Unbeknown to many of you here, Moyo’s well calculated media onslaught has not started now as I shall illustrate.

Soon after being appointed as minister of Information, he established the Information Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI), which was basically a Government funded vehicle to endear himself with the media, which he had crossed paths with during his previous stint as Minister of Information, in order to conduct his so called reform agenda in ZANU PF.

I was surprised the other day when he accused me of capturing the state media.

Is it not a coincidence that the same personnel which he used to abuse me when he was the Minister for Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services are the very people he now accuses me of capturing.

Your Excellency, those boys and girls have a story to tell.

If we are not careful, we will wake up one day with no ZANU PF to talk of.

Unfortunate as it is I will have the indulgence to mention names here because that is what he is doing.

The two main agents Moyo has been using in his media propaganda are Edmund Kudzayi and Mduduzi Mathuthu.

The only relationship that exists among the three is their mutual hatred of ZANU PF.

For the record, the two were the primary compilers of the presentation that was made the other day, here in Harare and at Holiday Inn Hotel, Bulawayo.

This is, however, besides the point.

But my question is, are we to believe that these three gentleman, whose life long commitment to the destruction of ZANU PF and pure hatred for the First Family, have become the party’s saviours.

Edmund Kudzayi

For those who were working in the security ministries in the run-up and after the 2013 harmonised elections you know Edmund Kudzayi very well.

The country’s security agencies proved that he was the Baba Jukwa, whose cyber terrorist activities against ZANU PF were well documented.

It is a fact that his prosecution hit a dead wall after the United States Department of Homeland Security refused access to vital information to the team that was sent to Washington led by Assistant Commissioner Crispen Makedenge.

The Americans knew that such information would have exposed Moyo for what he is, Baba Jukwa.

It is a fact that the same Edmund Kudzayi had shown his dislike of ZANU PF and the First Family for a long time.

7 August 2008, he described the President as a tyrant.

To quote him, he said that “They say Mugabe is a dictator, yes he is. Mugabe commits gross human rights abuses, yes he does. Mugabe stole the election, yes he did. He has presided over an economic collapse, yes he has. The man is indeed a tyrant I am ardently opposed to Mugabe and his cronies. What I will not do though is to allow my hatred to allow me to believe western propaganda. That Mugabe is a dictator is beyond question so I won’t waste my time trying to prove that.

What concerns me though is the west’s hypocritical statements and double standards.

They say Mugabe is a dictator, yes he is. Mugabe commits gross human riqhts abuses, yes he does. Mugabe stole the election, yes he did. He has presided over an economic collapse, yes he has. The man is indeed a tyrant.

But any open minded analyst is tempted to ask a most provocative question? Are these western governments opposed to these vile acts against democracy or are they simply using these as a scapegoat to achieve their own ends.

Having eliminated democracy and fair elections lets go on to Human rights. As I said, Mugabe indeed is guilty of gross human rights abuses. In many parts of China Christians and political dissidents suffer horrendous abuse at the hands of state security agents.

Genitals are crushed and teeth are pulled out, if you manage to escape with a severe beating you belong to the group of the lucky one. Egypt is another example of countries were government find clandestine means of silencing critics. Media freedom in Egypt? I don’t think so. How about the thousands of civilian Palestinians who have been maimed and killed at the hands of the Israeli army. Sorry, those lives are expendable. Surely Britain should make a statement on all these serious cases of disregard for human rights.

Okay maybe human rights aren’t so important. What else is Mugabe guilty of? Presiding over an economic collapse? Well Mugabe is not the first. The west actively supported Mobuto whilst he plundered Zaire and brought the country to its knees. I suppose those diamonds were shining so brightly that most western diplomats were blinded to the gross abuses of a regime they actively aided. They should have hauled him before the Security Council.

Okay so I’ve made it clear that the West is not really concerned with human rights, democracy or economic prosperity in Africa. So why have they been so irked by this particular dictator?

You would have to be incredibly naive or plain simple stupid not to realise that the main contention is on Mugabe’s audacity in terms of taking land from the whites. Yes I know the land was not given to the people but rather his cronies but all the same he took the land. It had never been heard of, a Negroe standing up to a white man. It had to get personal, it is now personal. The west’s cover of human rights is absolute nonsense’.

He is the same Edmund Kudzayi, who in 2010, wrote a story that was posted on the website which he ran, the African Aristocrat, alleging that, Bona, the presidents only daughter had been gang-raped by a group of Tanzanian students.

Although the website, the African Aristocrat has now been pulled down, his footprints in his previous life are still visible in cyberspace.

Despite not having a journalism qualification, the same Kudzayi was rewarded for his exploits by Moyo by being appointed as the editor of The Sunday Mail to push his agenda of destroying ZANU

Zimbabwe Sunday Mail Editor Edmund Kudzayi arrives in court in handcuffs on Saturday 21 June 2014 in Harare(Photo-New Zimbabwe)

Mduduzi Mathuthu


Who penned the article titled: Mugabe’s secret craving to live forever: Devastating investigation shows Mugabe wants to rule forever by keeping a young image. The article partly reads:

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe turns 80 next year but there is nothing that distinguishes him from a 12-year old boy, except for his physical stature. He is a man in denial who has married a woman 35 years his junior and still claims to be an “old young man.

But there is something more disturbing about Mugabe’s attempts to halt time. At his age, he should have at least a patch of gray hair, just like his nationalist colleagues from the African struggle against colonialism in the middle of the last century – Nelson Mandela, the late Walter Sisulu, Sam Nujoma and others.

But Mugabe has sought to defy nature by permanently keeping the barber busy with constant dyeing of his hair to look younger. He has also found love at a very late age with his former secretary, Grace Marufu, and had his last child in the last decade.

With the aid of psychiatrists and hairdressers, a investigation this week sought to unravel the mind of Mugabe gd establish the source of his desire to create and keep a young image. We found a man who is locked in a fear of death and craves to rule forever.

“Indeed, that first sign of gray can be upsetting, Thomson Pritchard a practising psychiatrist in South Wales said. “A coarse, unruly strand that seems to have its own mind, it usually appears around one’s early 30s. The anxiety comes not from what it is, but what it represents – the inevitable. ‘I

With his rule seemingly under threat from the opposition amid converging international contempt for his administration, Pritchard said it was important for Mugabe to maintain that image. He said it mitigates against the full-blown perceptions of his critics who could easily seize on his greying hair to caricature him as a man determined to die in power.

And true to the statement, Mugabe is today a man ridiculed even by people whose knowledge of politics is as scarce as a trace of grey in his hair. There is no obvious link here but the sheer fact that Mugabe is a man on the verge of the end of his political career still walking around with dark hair makes him a target for the satirists and political opponents.

Moyo has also enlisted the services of a core group of journalists in the private media, who are doing his hatchet job.

Is it a coincidence that in a country with more than 200 journalists, the Mnangagwa’s alleged sucessionist tendencies are mainly written by three journalists from three media houses, with all the three associated Professor Moyo?

An analysis of the media articles on the so-called succession reveals some interesting trends.

The majority of these articles are written by known Moyo acolytes, namely; Xolisani Ncube and Everson Mushava from the Newsday, as well as Fungai Kwaramba of the Daily News.

Since when has the private media become ZANU PF’s saviour.

Some of the stories the trio have exclusively written include the following:

Mugabe ouster plot thickens (July 23 2017, Everson Mushava and Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Tyson fumes over picture (July 9 2017, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

Prof Moyo savages Gen Chiwenga, ED (July 2 2017, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

The Big Interview: Prof Moyo savages General Chiwenga (July 2 2017, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

Command agriculture fiasclo-‘Zim’s own version of state capture’ (July 2 2017, Obey Manayiti) — The Standard

VP Mnangagwa project bombshell (June 25 2017, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

ZANU PF full of idiots: Zhuwao (May 14 2017, Obey Manayiti and Xolisani Ncube) — The Standard

Mnangagwa’s $500 million scheme raises eyebrows (March 19 2017, Xolisani Ncube and Obey Manayiti)- The Standard

Mugabe’s five likely successors (March 12 2017, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mnangagwa faces acid test (February 12 2017, Everson Mushava) —The Standard

Why I won’t support Mnangagwa: Moyo (January 22 2017, Everson Mushava) —The Standard

Mnangagwa ‘boss’ mug saga deepens (January 8 2017, Everson Mushava)The Standard

VP Mnangagwa suffers huge blow (December 18 2016, Everson Mushava)The Standard

Mnangagwa gets taste of own medicine (December 11 2016, Xolisani Ncube)The Standard

Mugabe succession in dramatic twist (December 4 2016, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mugabe’s nephew mauls VP (December 4 2016, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mugabe savages ‘crown’ Minister (November 16 2016, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mnangagwa ally in motorbikes scandal (November 9 2016, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

Cottco’s multi-million dollar Singapore deal stinks (November 9 2016, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

ZANIJ PF opens probe on Moyo claims (October 24 2016, Xolisani Ncube) —The Standard

Mnangagwa embroiled in Tomana saga (October 17 2016, Xolisani Ncube)The Standard

Prof Moyo probe takes new twist (October 17 2016, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

Prof Moyo case shocking details (October 9 2016, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mnangagwa’s job hangs by a thread (October 3 2016, Xolisani Ncube)- The Standard

Mugabe, war vets fight opens can of worms (August 7 2016, Xolisani Ncube)The Standard

Their approach is simple, they attack me, but are even more devastating in their attack of the First Lady which brings the question, are they sincere when they claim to love you

Mugabe probe: Shocking details (June 18 2017, Xolisani Ncube) —The Standard

ZANU PF Commissar: Saviour Kasukuwere’s poisoned chalice (April 30 2017, Xolisani Ncube) — The Standard

Mugabe, ‘Tyson’ takes dramatic twist (April 30 2017, Xolisani Ncube) — The Standard

Why miffed Mugabe wants ‘Tyson’ out (April 9 2017, Xolisani Ncube) — The Standard

Demos, petitions, expulsions: Grace’s weapons of choice (April 2 2017, Xolisani Ncube) — The Standard

Grace’s VP bid backfires (April 2 2017, Xolisani Ncube) —The Standard

Grace Mugabe, Moyo war explosive details (March 26 2017, Everson Mushava) —The Standard

Plots, intrigue: How Grace Mugabe fell out with Sandi Moyo, Mahoka (March 26 2017, Everson Mushava) —The Standard

Mugabe springs surprise (December 25 2016, Everson Mushava)- The Standard

Grace dumps G40 (October 30 2016, Xolisani Ncube) —The Standard

Unmasking Saviour Kasukuwere

Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, a lot of things that many of you are not aware of are happening behind the scenes but as I have done before I will commit to defending the Party and the country from foreign interference.

Cde Kasukuwere purports to be rallying behind you but behind that facade is a sinister objective designed to return the country to our enemies.

I can tell you here and now that Cde Kasukuwere is an active participant in the regime change agenda project.

Here is why.

There is a person called Carl Skau and this person is a former Charge D’ Affairs at the European Union Delegation to Zimbabwe.

His current designation is Alternate Representative of Sweden to the United Nation.

Those in the security cluster know that this gentleman works with the United States and the British on a regime change project code named

He has facilitated visits of opposition figures like Joice Mujuru, Thokozani Khupe, Douglas Mwonzora as well as Dr Mandaza to Sweden in the past year alone.

Behind his unbridled ambition for power is, among other western agent, Skau and together with Professor Moyo they are working towards neutralising ZANU

Carl Skau is friends with Cde Kasukuwere and they are working together in the anti-Zimbabwe project they have been planning over the years.

My question therefore is why hasn’t Cde Kasukuwere mentioned Skau to you Your Excellency or to the party if the relationship with this Swedish national is constructive?

Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC)

Through their deliberate ignorance of statecraft which is without, informed by their fear of exposure of their dirty deeds, Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere have often accused me of what they say is capture of State institutions specifically ZACC for political expediency.

Maybe one day they will specifically indicate who specifically was captured, but let me set the record straight.

As I mentioned in the last Politburo, the appointing authority of all Commissions is you Your Excellency not me as insinuated by Professor Moyo.

The pool of names to be considered for appointment is considered and dealt by Parliament, so where do I come in their appointment?

In fact it is a matter of public record that prior to the appointment of the ZACC Commission, Cde Kasukuwere here approached anyone who cared to listen, including the First Family claiming that I was lobbying for my so-called cronies to be appointed as Commissioners.

The names that Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere constantly mentioned were those of Farai Mashonganyika, now Mrs Chinyani and Goodson Nguni.

How the duo came to be called my cronies only Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere know.

After they failed the block the appointments, Professor Moyo, in his futile bid to stop the investigation into his alleged misuse of funds at ZIMDEF then tried to play the tribal card, accusing me of being tribal.

Who exactly was appointed on tribal grounds if I may want to ask?

In shona they say kuvhunduka chati kwata hunge une katurika? Why is it that ZACC of all the Commissions, has attracted their most attention? It is common cause that his tirade against ZACC is because of the Commission’s investigation of the ZIMDEF issue.

In his small mind, everyone else except himself must be investigated for corruption.

Professor Moyo has used very opportunity to tell all and sundry that he is clean and the ZACC investigation of ZIMDEF is a witch hunt.

If that is the case, why would you go to all lengths to ensure that ZACC does not conclude its case, including attempts at bribing the very ZACC Commissioners who you claim are my allies?

(Picture, Paula’s Restaurant)

If there was no case to be answered, why is it that there was an offer to Nguni to drop Moyo’s case in return for money and protection?

The National Commissar here, on January 4 2017, invited Nguni for lunch at Paula’s Restaurant at corner Samora Machel Avenue and Glenara Road.

Nguni was brought to the venue of the meeting by Minister Makhosini Hlongwane who was acting on the instructions of Kasukuwere here.

I challenge Cde Kasukuwere to confirm that he offered Nguni US$20 000 which was dangled by one your colleagues at the meeting, including real estate in Borrowdale.

Why go to such lengths if your hands are clean.

You also offered him ‘protection’ claiming that Mnangagwa would not provide him the same.

Protection from what? If this is not corruption and institution capture of the highest order then the word might have changed meaning.

Let us all remember here that Professor Moyo himself admitted on October 9 2016 that he had indeed stolen ZIMDEF money.

I will quote what he said on Twitter

You can say what you want but I would be a Robin Hood than a cruel tribalist, murderer & UN identified cross border thief

One of your media runners, Xolisani Ncube, was paid US$9000 from ZIMDEF, maybe you know better what the money was for.

Xolisani has been everywhere, including visiting some of the Commissioner’s rural homes asking their relatives to plead on his behalf.

All this for being done by people proclaiming innocence?

In the same vein, I will draw your attention to an article published in Newsday on August 1 2017 in which ZACC investigators were quoted as saying they were fed up with Vice President Mphoko’s continued interference into their operations.

I will quote the Newsday report in part.

Zacc chairperson Job Whabira yesterday told members of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Defence that the biggest culprit in interfering with their operations was Mphoko.

Whabira told the Ronald Muderedzwa-led committee that there had been political interference in the commission’s work.

“Political interference by Mphoko is among some of those elements that impinge upon the independence of the commission, but these will be resisted, as we forge ahead because the Constitution gives us power to complete investigations without fear or favour,” he said.

“On VP Mphoko’s issue, what happened is that we (Zacc) took the issue to the President through the chief secretary to the Cabinet, Misheck Sibanda, so that they take action on the interference.”

Whabira said he had approached Mphoko to discuss the issue of his interference in Zacc investigations.

Now some time ago the same allegation was levelled against me and I ask here who has captured ZACC?

Collaborating with the MDC-T to destroy ZANU PF from within

During our last Politburo meeting, Professor Moyo claimed, without substantiating his claims with facts that I was working with the MDC-T to destroy ZANU PF.

The opposite is true.

Your Excellency and fellow Politburo members, I can tell you here that Professor Moyo has on many occasions sought and found alliances with MDC-T officials including booing the President in Parliament.

For instance, Professor Moyo here told Chamisa on July 13 2017 that regai tingosunda zvidonhe izvi.

Added to that has been the plan by Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere to tarnish the names of fellow Party members.

Many will recall the issue that was raised Mabvuku-Tafara member of the House of Assembly James Maridadi in March 16 2017 regarding the alleged collusion between some Chinese businessmen and unnamed ZANU PF members to smuggle blanket making material into the country.

It was Cdes Kasukuwere and Mashayamombe who had fed Maridadi with the lies concerning the alleged smuggling racket.

Mahoka if she is honest can testify this. She was there when Mashayamombe was instructing Maridadi and told him to contact Kasukuwere for more information.

Dr Chombo and Cde Mupfumira will be interested to know that behind his purpoted solidarity with you, the National Commissar is behind the claims by the opposition that you are corrupt.

To him, you are it was Cde Kasukuwere who told of your purported involvement in the smuggling scam.

The National Commissar here is in fact the one actively propping up the opposition.

Just recently, specifically on 28 June 2017, Kasukuwere here met Thokozani Khupe and former Deputy Mayor of Bulawayo, Banda who you promised to reinstate despite the fact that a commission of inquiry found him guilty of corruption.

So who is adding the opposition?

Banda has indicated that you demanded $30 000 to set him free.

Destroying the Army and the War Veterans

Cognisant of the fact that the army remains a vital cog in protecting the system from undue and continued pressures from all over, it is important for you Your Excellency to note that the duo of Professor Moyo and Cde Kasukuwere have made concerted efforts to control that vital sector of our security.

It is not a secret that since the turn of the millennium, the West has been trying weaken our institutions, in particular the security through the socalled security sector reform agenda, Your Excellency what is emerging now is shocking.

The same security sector reforms that we have studiously resisted over the past two decades are now being championed by the likes of Professor Moyo under the guise that members of the security are interfering in ZANU PF political affairs. We need to be wary of such treacherous calls.

It is a fact that Professor Moyo has been boasting to his colleagues and handlers that he has managed to put the Army in their position, whatever that means.

He told his handlers the he managed to deceive the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) into telling you Your Excellency that the Army wanted to commit a coup when he knows truly well that all these are lies and fabrications.

Their plan has revolved around systematically eliminating the war veteran element within the military establishment since they are aware of the unbreakable bond that exists between the army and ZANU PF.

The very people who have stood with the President since the liberation war days are the ones now being accused by those who deserted of orchestrating a coup d’etat against the very person they have loyal served for over four decades.

In 2008, it is the same Moyo here who was attacking the Army Generals and the rest of the security sector for their role, including campaigning for the 27 June Presidential election runoff.

Now he pretends to be the chief loyalist, leading the charge against senior army officers, who he berated for sustaining ZANU PF rule.

What is very disturbing is that, being tribal as he is, his campaign is targeted at senior army officers mainly from Manicaland, Masvingo and Midlands provinces, who he perceives to be supporting me.

What is it that these loyal cadre have done to be pushed out of the military and party they have sacrificed their lives for to deserve this?

In fact, the senior officers who this gang is targeting are largely those that have refused to be incorporated into their successionist agenda.

Let me put this into perspective. During Your Excellency’s visit to Singapore in March 2016, their ally, a Rodney Dangarembizi approached Major General Mugova and outlined this duo’s scheme which borders on treason.

Dangarembizi, who was a previous acquaintance of General Mugova, was sent specifically to dangle a carrot to him to join the gang with the promise that he would be appointed Commander Defence Forces.

Dangarembizi bragged that the group comprising himself, Cde Kasukuwere, Professor Moyo, Dr Chombo and Cde Walter Chidhakwa and Dr Lazarus Dokora had taken over the running of the country from you Your Excellency.

Cde Tshinga Dube here can confirm that Vice President Mphoko here told him of that plan as well.

Also, as part of their efforts to create a wedge between the Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces and the Army Generals, this group has on several occasions peddled the story that the Army intended to carry out a coup under my instructions.

It is the same message, which for some reason, continues to be peddled. In some countries, treasonous characters such as this duo could have been languishing in jail.

On March 3 2016, Cde Kasukuwere told Newsday reporter Xolisani Ncube of the alleged coup with the intention of inviting to carry out that story.

The National Commissar here even went out of his way to sound correspondents of foreign media such as the BBC to prepare to cover the event.

On July 5 2016 while you were out of the country, Professor Moyo concorted a story that his cousin Major Nkosana Moyo who is with the Presidential Guard informed you of a planned coup by the Army and install me as the country’s new leader.

You specifically cited General Sanyatwe as the brains behind the alleged coup d etat.

The sad thing is that you wanted to destabilise the army unit that central to the protection of the First Family you purport to want to protect.

It is a fact that you wrote a letter to that effect and after that was ignored, you tried to resuscitate the matter months later, all in a bid to destabilise the army.

Was it then a coincidence that on that same day Mashayamombe was spreading the rumour that he had been blocked by Army from visiting ZBC’s Pockets Hill Studios?

Mashayamombe claimed at the time that the Army would carry out the coup within weeks, all in a brazen and bizarre attempt to tarnish my name.

What has happened since then?

Why should people believe your coup claims now when you have lied about that before?

Who is trying to capture the Army here?

Cde Kasukuwere might want to explain his overt attempt to subvert members of the Presidential Guard whom he gave money from the Youth Fund without respecting or even following the chain of command by informing the recipients’ superiors.

Why target the Presidential Guard if the intention was not to carry a coup?

Jabulani Sibanda

This clique claims to love you more than anyone else has been courting people who have publicly denounced the First Family including Jabulani Sibanda.

For instance, Cde Kasukuwere has been trying for the past two years to woo Sibanda.

On March 3 2016, he booked for Sibanda at Mekiles Hotel. He send money through Ecocash to Sibanda.

On August 5 2017 he made another attempt to engage Sibanda using a senior CIO officer [PIO Raire] trying to make it appear as if it was Sibanda inititave.

Chief Justice Appointment

Your Excellency, the process to choose a Chief Justice is as clear as daylight but I found myself accused of trying to violate that process when I had not done so.

Perhaps Your Excellency could tell Professor Moyo and VP Mphoko that everything I did was above board and with your blessings.

On 11 August 2016 1 wrote a letter to you Your Excellency stipulating what the law dictates when it comes to the appointment of the Chief Justice.

This is not withstanding the fact that Professor Moyo wanted to stall Constitutional Amendment 1 which your had agreed to its implementation.

Several strategic were held at VP Mphoko’s house where Professor Moyo wanted to present to the public that I was violating the Constitution.

Traditional Leaders

As part of their efforts to soil my name, Professor Moyo and Cde l<asukuwere have approached traditional leaders to enhance their project.

Professor Moyo approached the President of the Chiefs Council, Chief Fortune Charumbira during the week ending July 17 2017 trying to cajole him to constitute a delegation to seek audience with you Your Excellency to complain about my alleged succession plans.

This is a matter of fact that Chiefs Charumbira and Khumalo can confirm to you.

I am also aware that they have approached to the Provincial Chiefs Council to pursue the same using money whose source is not difficult to locate.

Capture and compromise

Your Excellency, it is common cause that the gentlemen here have to all intents and purposes become untouchables in the party, at least judging by the fact that all they do is either brushed aside or is not acted upon at all.

It goes without saying that they go about and even brag that they are working on your orders, specifically to destroy my person.

Upon arrival from Cancun, Mexico from the United Nations Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Kasukuwere called his acolytes to a meeting at his residence in Borrowdale.

According to Wonder Mashange, the Mashonaland Central Provincial Secretary for Administration, Kasukuwere told them that Your Excellency specifically told them to go after me.

Mashange tells anyone who cares to listen that it was Your Excellency who directed that Moyo should address the SAPES Dialogue where he discussed the succession issue, throwing in Dr Sekeramayi’s name.

Mashange recently boasted to a colleague that Kasukuwere and gang has compromised” the First Lady, hence they will get away with anything.

Behind this facade of purported undying loyalty to the First Family, they are going about soiling your name.

It is also fact that Kasukuwere had dinner with Wicknell Chivhayo.

You told Chivhayo that the First Lady was the one who had instructed you to attack and expel party members, but had left you in a latch.

Similarly, Moyo has in the last month, been assembling a team of state and private media journalists, claiming that it was an instruction from Your Excellency to push market Dr Sekeramayi as your successor.

On 25 June 2017, Moyo and Mduduzi Mathuthu met the editor of Bmetro at Holiday Inn, Bulawayo, where the issue of the recruitment of journalist was discussed.

You also held another meeting at the same venue with Mathuthu and Edmund Kudzai where you discussed about setting your media team.

Afterwards, Mathuthu phoned a number of journalists inviting them to the secessionist project.

The party has effectively been captured and it is high time these things are discussed openly.


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