VICE-PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa’s wife, Auxillia, has handed back the title deeds for a co-operative farm she had reportedly confiscated to force the appointment of a pro-Zanu PF executive in her Chirumanzu-Zibangwe constituency, it has been learnt.
The co-operative’s chairperson, Pio Musambasi confirmed receiving the documents from Mnangagwa last Thursday.
Initially, Mnangagwa sent an emissary, Simon Sigauke, a Zanu PF district chairperson in her constituency, to return the title deeds for Wadzanai Co-operative Farm, but Musambasi refused to take them, saying he had engaged lawyers to handle the matter.
Mnangagwa then approached Musambasi’s lawyer, Reginald Chidawanyika to resolve the wrangle.
“Yes, I have returned the title deeds after she (Mnangagwa) approached me and asked me to hand them back to the old executive,” Chidawanyika said yesterday, adding the VP’s wife had apologised for interfering in a matter that did not concern her. “She admitted she had erred.”
Two weeks ago, Mnangagwa called a rally at Wadzanai Farm and replaced the Musambasi-led executive with her preferred Zanu PF members, notwithstanding that the farm was a private commercial property.
Mnangagwa then forced Musambasi to hand over the farm’s title deeds.
After Musambasi complained that she had no right to interfere with the co-operative’s operations, Mnangagwa sent Sigauke to hand back the title deeds.
Wadzanai Co-operative Farm, according to Musambasi, was registered in 1983 after about 171 families, who had been displaced from the land by the Rhodesian government, pooled resources and bought the land, where they conducted various business activities. Musambasi said Zanu PF supporters had started pushing to change the property into communal land in 2008 and even appointed seven headmen to take charge of the property.-SE