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Simon Cowell Joins Robert Mugabe Club, Says Will Never Retire

LOS ANGELES – Simon Cowell has insisted he will never retire because he’d much prefer to “drop dead” while at work in his 90s than play golf all day.

The 57-year-old star – who has three-year-old son Eric with Lauren Silverman – is keen to work into his 80s or 90s because it upsets him to think he could one day fill his days by playing golf.

He said: “I’d rather drop dead at my job than retire. The idea of just playing golf makes me want to jump off a bridge. I’m going to work in my 80s or 90s if I can.”

Simon is clearly expecting to live a long life and always has some vegetables on hand if he requires a snack.

He said: “Once you eat enough vegetables you start to crave them. That’s why I keep carrots on my desk.”

Before becoming a big-time music mogul, the X Factor boss worked as an estate agent in London’s Mayfair but he “hated” the job and the company.

He is quoted by the Daily Star newspaper as saying: “I was an estate agent for eight months and it was the most miserable time of my life.

“I worked for this really snotty company who hated me – and I hated them.”

Simon has previously revealed his mum told him his estate agent job was making him “depressed”.

He said: “I was so upset that my mum actually said to me ‘I’ve never seen you so depressed.’

“And luckily I was offered a job back at the music publishing company. I’m glad I tried it because it was horrible.” – ewn.co.za

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