Soul Jah Love and Bounty Lisa split up in June and the couple are now engaged in a war of words.
The chanter has called his mother-in-law a lady of the night while she has revealed that Soul Jah Love paid only $10 bride price for Bounty Lisa.
Bounty’s mother Mrs Musenyi had no kind words for Soul Jah Love. “I think I have to say something over zviri kutaurwa that Lisa akatiza Jah awona kuti ava kurwara, uyezve yekuti akatiza nemari yaJah. What I can only say is, we as a family we are not even worried of what people say, the two divorced in June and Bounty came to stay home with her father since I am staying here in SA and they were no longer seeing each other.
“I wonder why achibvotomoka iye Jah kana asina mari yekuti arapwe ngaakumbire zvakanaka kuma fans ake asinga svibise zita remunhu waakaramba ega.”
“Lisa left Jah without anything even a spoon and now it is said she left the house grounded apa akutukirira zvinosemesa kurasa hunhu.
“Soul had an accident after Lisa had already left him and now he is accusing us of bewitching him, I got ma audios aaitukirira.”
“He thinks having a vehicle is being rich ava kubata mwana wangu sechikorobho, but vakadanana havarambaniswe. And kusazvara idambudziko riri muvanhu vazhinji munyika, haingava mhosva yekuti anga abuse mukadzi every now and then, to make matters worse haana kunge akaroora.”
“Akabvisa tsvakirai kuno yeUS$10 and how can we forgive him, haachengeteki Soul, he should learn what life is.”
She is bitter that Jah Love called them witches. “Todays he calls us witches nekuti zvadii and if he wanted help why did he follow to his in-laws house to cause noise.
“If it wasn’t for our neighbors he was going to kill my daughter just because he wanted the car and the phone claiming that it was his money.”
She confirmed that Bounty has since visited her to South Africa for holiday.
“Lisa came here kwandiri musi we Monday for Christmas. “You know I suffered a lot for my kids to be what they are today and now I am hypertensive and Soul knows that, haachengeteki.”
Furthermore, Bounty’s mother said she is not worried about what people say but Jah knows the truth.
Soul Jah Love said; “Ini handiwanzoite nemuromo ndowanzoimba zvakadai izvi. Handirambe hangu, I don’t know whats going on
“I can’t say much myself ask Bunty more who can tell you more about the issue. Which car are they saying ndakatora? Do you know I have five cars plus a kombi which plies the Highfield route.
“Vamwe venyu ndotovachengeta, mari yangu ndava nayo hangu, kana newe ndogona kukuchengeta mfana iwewe.
“I had a problem with Bounty, ndaisatuka moms, ndaituka iye Bounty but we solved our issues when I had accident she is the one who took me to the hospital.
“But handirambe hangu it’s only that pane chivanhu chaifanirwa kuitwa and I was supposed to do.
“Handina zvandingaite about kana vanhu vachitaurawo kudaro.”-Online