Rapper Stunner is halfway done with his community service at Greendale District Office and says he is just getting on with it.
“I am just working and I am not even counting the hours anymore,” he said. His supervisor Gift Manyusa wishes he could spend more time.
“We are working well together and there are no problems. You know it is a situation that he unfortunately got into asi zvinowanika and zvinhu zvinogona kuitika kumunhu wese [it can happen to anyone],” said Manyusa, who jokingly requested that the community service time be extended.
“We have built a mutual relationship to the extent that we wish the time could be extended,” he said.
The Harare City Council plumber said he believes they have built a strong friendship.
“People can get to know each other through a problem but iyo nyaya yacho inogona kuita kuti muchingobatana zvachose [the problem can also create a long stretching bond] at the same time,” he said.