A Leicestershire based Learning Disabilities nurse Keith Masuku has been struck off the NMC register after being found guilty of a string of criminal offences, misconduct and attitudinal problems.
Keith Masuku worked as employed as the Registered Manager of Mere Lodge Care Home .
He failed to ensure that there was an adequate system in place for the management of resident’s finances and as a result sums of £816, £6915 and £6913.15 were not fully accounted for because of his actions.
The panel noted that since the original substantive hearing, there had been another substantive hearing, in relation to convictions Mr Masuku had received for driving a motor vehicle with excess alcohol, for failing to surrender without reasonable cause and for failing to comply with a community order. The panel noted that a panel of the Fitness to Practise Committee had imposed a 12 month suspension order in respect of that matter at a substantive hearing on 28 January 2019.
Having found Mr Masuku’s fitness to practise currently impaired, the panel then considered what, if any, sanction it should impose in this case. The panel noted that its Page 17 of 20 powers are set out in Article 30 of the Order. The panel has also taken into account the ‘NMC’s Sanctions Guidance’ (SG) and has borne in mind that the purpose of a sanction is not to be punitive, though any sanction imposed may have a punitive effect.
This striking-off order will replace the current suspension order with immediate effect in accordance with Article 30(2).