Main News Religion

UK: Preacher cleared of indecently assaulting two female church members

SCOTLAND: A preacher walked free from court Tuesday after being cleared of indecently assaulting two female church members.

Walter Masocha was found not guilty after a sheriff ruled that the conduct alleged by the younger of the alleged victims was so minor it could not be used to support more serious sexual allegations made by the older of the two.

Masocha, so-called “Archbishop” of the Agape for All Nations church based in Stirling, walked free from the city’s court after veteran sheriff Wyllie Robertson described the second woman’s experiences as upsetting but “de minimis” – legal Latin for trifling.

The woman, now 35, a Zimbabwean who acted as Masocha’s driver, said the 51 year old “Man of God” had often put his arm around her and touched her “love handles” and her side where her breasts began, as they were walking through Edinburgh Airport when she dropped him off and picked him up, and that had kissed her on the lips.

She claimed he once called her up to his bedroom in his “mansion” near Stirling to collect a flight bag, and gave her a hug during which she said she could feel his manhood.

The other woman, a 47-year-old divorced mother-of-three, also originally from Zimbabwe, who edited a church magazine, said during a one-to-one counselling session Masocha had kissed her forcefully, touched and sucked her breast, and exposed himself to her in a way that made her think he wanted to put his manhood in her mouth.

After five days of evidence, Masocha’s lawyer, John Sculllion QC, submitted that the two women’s stories were so different in character that they could not be used as mutual corroboration.

Procurator fiscal depute Sarah Lumsden, prosecuting, submitted that they were sufficiently similar, and quoted the 1930s Scots law case of Moorov, a factory owner who sexually assaulted 19 of his female employees in similar ways.

Upholding Scullion’s submission of no case to answer, Sheriff Robertson said he did not want anyone to think he was “dismissing” what the second woman had described.

But he said he had initially been “surprised” as to the nature and the extent of her evidence.

walter masocha

He said: “During her evidence I thought to myself over lunch, ‘there must be evidence of a more serious incident to come’.

“No such evidence emerged.

“I do not wish my observations to be construed as minimising her evidence, or dismissing as minor what she said happened to her.

“The jury might well have considered her a credible witness of what she says happened to her at the hands of the accused.

“What I have to consider is whether her evidence, taking it as the truth for the purposes of this submission, is sufficient to corroborate the evidence of the first complainer.”

Sheriff Robertson said that the Crown had pointed to similarities in circumstances – such as both being members of a church where Masocha was minister and head, and that the alleged conduct occurred when they were engaged in church business or in one-to-one ‘surgeries’ or counselling.”

He said both women described some similar behaviour such as kissing – though he said the first complainer described “more forceful and lingering kissing than the peck on the lips described by the second”.

But he ruled: “I am driven to the conclusion… that the relatively minor or ‘de minimis’ conduct [described by the younger woman], upsetting as it may have been to her, is so different in relative gravity that it is not similar in character or circumstances and cannot provide corroboration.

“There is insufficient evidence for a conviction.

“At best her [the younger woman’s] evidence shows at its highest a general propensity to commit this kind of offence.”

Masocha, of Sauchieburn, near Stirling, had denied sexually assaulting the woman and another female church member at various locations including the church, his former home in Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire, and at Edinburgh Airport between August 2008 and December 2011.

He showed not emotion whatsoever as the ruling was announced and he was formally found not guilty.

On the landing outside the courtroom after being told he could leave the dock, he hugged his grown-up son, refused to comment on the case, and mopped his sweaty brow on a flannel.

During the trial, the court heard that members of the Church regarded Masocha as “The Prophet” and would compete to grab his used flannels and even his plates and cups once he had finished with them, because they regarded them as “annointed”.

His 47-year-old victim said that she had kept quiet for years about what she said had happened to her because she feared Masocha had the power to call down the Angel of Death on her family.

The younger victim, a former asylum seeker, now living in Edinburgh, said members of the church had tried to use facts about her immigration status to intimidate her into dropping her allegations.

For Masocha, Scullion branded both women liars, and said the assaults never happened.

This article is taken from the Daily Record.

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