Main News Politics

Zanu PF dumps running mate clause constitutional amendment

The ruling Zanu PF government has announced that it is going to scrap the clause that mandated a running presidential candidate to announce his vice president before the election.

This was announced in the post cabinet briefing that took place Tuesday afternoon at the Munhumutapa building.

The approval was made in accordance of Amendment 19 of the 2013 COPAC constitution.

According to the amendment the vice presidents will now be nominated after an election as opposed to the past.

This will in turn give the elected president the right to appoint or dismiss his deputies in between elections.

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday paved way for the reduction of mealie price and other basic commodities through ordering government to re-introduce subsidies on basic commodities, Zim Morning Post can report.

The changes will take effect from 2023 elections.

“Provision, under Section 94 of subsection (2) to allow the President-elect, as soon as he assumes office, to appoint two persons to be Vice-Presidents who shall take their oaths of Office before the Chief Justice or the next senior judge available as set out in the Third Schedule,” read the statement.

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