People living with HIV/AIDS have been urged to adhere to their medication to avoid getting opportunistic infections.
Stanford Chimutimunzeve, an HIV/AIDS activist, who attended the 2016 AIDS Clinical Trials Group Conference held in Washington recently, told VOA Studio 7 that research findings published during the conference, suggest that putting people on anti-retroviral drugs early despite their CD4 count is effective in tackling the disease.
“Research conducted and published during the meeting recommended that people should be put on ARVs early irrespective of their viral load CD4 count. We urge people to take their medications soon after detection as this helps in fighting the virus and prevents opportunistic diseases which may become fatal,” said Chimutimunzeve.
Chimutimunzeve was honouredat the Washington meeting for the work he has been doing in his community .
Chimutimunzeve works as a community worker in Zimbabwe’s high density suburbs where he bridges the gap between researchers and ordinary people.-VOA