Former Zanu PF Politburo member and now an elder in the ZPF, Dzikamai Mavhaire has slighted First Lady, Grace Mugabe and called her Marujata, an unstable, loose, sharp tongued and divisive village woman in a famous Shona novel called ‘Gara Ndichauya’ written by Patrick Chakaipa.
Mavhaire was addressing about 1 000 party supporters at a rally held at Mawungwa Business Centre 30km from Mpandawana in Gutu.
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Mavhaire castigated Grace for declaring at the recent one million man march in Harare that President Mugabe should lead the country from the grave if he dies. Mavhaire told party supporters that he was not the type to listen to a character like Grace.
“Takapa munhu nyika kusvika aita sekuru, ikozvino ava tateguru, mukadzi wototi kunyange apinda muguva achatonga arimo, ndingataurirwe izvozvo namaMarujata ini (we allowed President Mugabe to rule this country until he became a grandfather, now he is a great grandfather and the wife is saying that he should rule even from the grave, can I listen to that nonsense from Marujata)?” asked Mavhaire.
Mavhaire who was fired from Zanu PF twice also told the gathering that Joice Mujuru was more senior than Mugabe in terms of the war of liberation. He said Mugabe arrived at the war credentials front in Mozambique in 1976 while Mujuru arrived in 1972.
“VaMugabe 1976 ndokuenda paMozambique asi vana Mai Mujuru vanga vatovapo 1972 saka mukuru wehondo ndiyani ipapa? Mungatotaurira vaTsvangirai izvezvo haikona isu. (President Mugabe went to Mozambique in 1976 and Mujuru was already there in 1972, so who is senior in terms of the war? You can lie to Tsvangirai about that and not us)”, said Mavhaire.
He also said the tactic where kraal heads and chiefs would frogmarch their subjects to the ballot box will not be accepted in 2018. He said everyone should be free to make his or her choice in the ballot box.
He called upon soldiers to stay in the barracks and not interfere with the elections. Speaking with a forked tongue he said there was no one who was going to intimidate others using the soldiers because both sides have friends in the army.
“Masoja musaenda muchivhundusira vanhu uko garai kumabaracks kwenyu uko. Tose tinozviziva, tose takabvakowo, hakuna usina wake saka hakuna anovhundusira vamwe”, said Mavhaire.
He condemned the introduction of the bond coins and the one million-man march which he described as an abuse of school buses and resources.
The rally was also attended by Retired Claudius Makova.-Mirror