Maadza (54), who is being charged alongside Abraham Shonhiwa (31), Jeffrey Chisvo (42), Fraizer Fodha (36), Samuel Makureya (56) and Rosemary Muzopambwa (50), was not asked to plead when she appeared before provincial magistrate Milton Serima.
The matter, however, could not be heard after Serima refused to accept prosecutor Sebastian Mutizirwa’s oral bail consent for all the accused persons and ordered him to put the said consent in writing instead.
Efforts by Maanda’s lawyer Advocate Taona Sibanda to have his clients remanded out of custody pending finalisation of the bail proceedings were also turned down after the magistrate deferred the ruling to today.
Maadza and her colleagues are alleged to have confronted Msipa and his workmates on December 28 last year and accused them of demolishing her house at the farm.
She later became violent and indiscriminately attacked the complainants with logs and hosepipes for close to two hours.
The State also alleges during the alleged attack, Maadza and her alleged accomplices stole $7 000 and four mobile phones from Msipa and his colleagues. The matter was reported to police, leading to their arrest.