The government was left angry after ZBC entered into a deal with Econet to broadcast English Premier League games live on ZTV.
“There was an attempt to smuggle Kwese TV programmes onto our screens and we said get it out of our screens,” Charamba told the Financial Gazette.
“I have differences with ZBC management’s view to introduce a competitor. We stopped it as the ministry. I don’t sit here to mould a competitor riding on our national broadcaster’s platform. We don’t work like that. We can’t abuse a national institution by carrying a competitor.Hazviite izvozvo (That won’t ever happen). Kwese should use their TV. If they want to operate in this country, they should comply with the Broadcasting Services Act and acquire their own licence. How can ZBC carry a competitor? They wanted to launch their product at no cost riding on ZBC. Why would ZBC want to introduce competition?” he asked.
“In fact, it has since emerged that there is a ZBC board member who is also part of Kwese TV. We will fight that member. I ask that board member to resign now before we fire him. Hazviitwe izvozvo (That won’t ever happen). We are going to fire that person masikati machena (in broad daylight). We are going to humiliate him. ZBC can’t be run by competitors. I am here to protect the national broadcaster,” fumed Charamba