Chamisa says the bond note is going to disappear just like the Zimbabwe dollar
Business Main News

Chamisa says the bond note is going to disappear just like the Zimbabwe dollar

Movement for Democratic Change deputy President Nelson Chamisa says bond notes which were introduced towards the end of last year will disappear just like the Zimbabwe dollar because the fundamental issues that led to the demise of the Zimbabwe dollar have not been addressed.

  • Bond notes are Zimbabwe dollars:MDC-T

“We see this bond note coming; again, it is going to go down the drain just the same way the ZIM dollar was actually affected because we have not addressed the real cause,” Chamisa told Parliament.

“We are students of the cause and effect, we just do not want to come here and now tinker on palliatives on peripherals and we look at cosmetic issues without addressing the core of the issue, the core of the matter which are issues of confidence, issues of governance, issues of making sure that we move away from certain fiscal conduct and fiscal behaviour that is not in line with what is expected of a modern economy.”

Chamisa said he was against the issue of withdrawal limits.

“Why should you limit the resources that I worked for?  If I have US$20 000 in the bank, let me have access to my US$20 000.  If I have US$40 000 in the bank, let me have access to my US$40 000.  Why should you make a way of limiting and controlling?

“Now, this is where we have a problem, Hon. Speaker Sir.  You cannot have command agriculture, command economy, command currency – everything you want to command.  There is a problem in commanding certain things.  The economy does not respect commandments of politicians or policy makers.  It respects commandments of the market, of course with the necessary State intervention.”

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