VP Chiwenga to Resign
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VP Chiwenga to Resign

Vice President Constantino Guvheya Nyikadzino Chiwenga is reportedly planning to resign from his post due to ill health, it has been reported.

A family source who spoke on condition of anonymity made the revelation saying Chiwenga currently hospitalized at India military facility is now unable to speak and has not eaten in over a week. As a result, worried relatives have advised him to focus on his recovery

Chiwenga was flown out to India on February 7, and was joined by Defence Minister Oppah Muchinguri, who is however not thought to be in any danger. President Emmerson Mnangagwa told a Zanu PF rally in Mwenezi last Saturday that Muchinguri is suffering the effects of injuries sustained after a bomb exploded during a campaign rally in Bulawayo in June last year.

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