The ZHDA and its members will never be intimidated or unnecessarily be coerced by the deputy Minister’s remarks and of course his recent docking of salaries so that it loses track of what the government is set to deliver beginning January 2015, a clear sabotage of ZIMASSET. This gross negligence being exhibited by the Ministry of Health and Child Care has never been witnessed since independent Zimbabwe. It is shocking that a Ministry led by seemingly learned officials illegally decides to punish its employees even without subjecting them to a hearing or any formal charge and conviction. The ZHDA will relentlessly fight this injustice and insanity as it falls short of the existing legal statutes that govern the relationship between employees and their employers. Meanwhile our members will deliberate today on whether or not they will afford to come to work, or if they come to work at what level of effort will they be dispensing their responsibilities. It is very clear that from this provocation passive resistance which protects our members from the venom of the embattled deputy Minister and his cabal will be instituted. This shall greatly compromise the quality of health services to innocent patients, and our hardworking tax payers. Finally we urgently call upon the portfolio committee on health, the cabinet and the acting President to immediately rein in on the Ministry of Health so as to stop this unprecedented onslaught on the moral and finances of doctors in Zimbabwe. This definitely will open flood gates of lawsuits by doctors individually, as an association or by different interest groups.
Crime & Courts
Main News
Doctors to file urgent chamber High Court application to reverse salay cuts
- 17/12/2014
- 3 minutes read