Search Results for : nelson chamisa
Main News Politics

Sick Tsvangirai hauled before court over VP appointments

MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai was yesterday sued at the High Court by party members for violating the party’s constitution when he appointed Advocate Nelson Chamisa and Engineer Elias Mudzuri to the vice presidency. The appointments were made last Friday

Main News Religion

75 Biblical Reasons Why You Should Not Drink Alcohol

By Nelson Chamisa 1) Genesis 9:20-26 – Noah became drunk; the result was immorality and family trouble. 2) Genesis 19:30-38 – Lot was so drunk he did not know what he was doing; this led to immorality 3) Leviticus 10:9-11

Main News Zimbabwe

Makandiwa’s diaspora leader prophecy angers Tsvangirai

MDC-T leader, Morgan Tsvangirai says he has played his role in the struggle to free Zimbabwe from the Zanu PF “dictatorship” and would not be hurt if he loses the forthcoming presidential race in 2018. Related stories: Chombo attacks Prophet

Main News Politics

Tsvangirai cancer disclosure triggers MDC-T succession battle

MOVEMENT for Democratic Change (MDC-T) leader, Morgan Tsvangirai is under immense pressure to step down immediately following his public disclosure that he is suffering from the cancer of the colon. Read Also: Lets pray for Tsvangirai and give him privacy

Main News Zimbabwe

Lumumba forms new Political party

Breaking News…. Acie Lumumba forms Political party……VIVA Zimbabwe…..notifies ZEC. In an interview with @,263 lumumba said “people already know who they are not going to vote for, the question is who do they vote for instead”…also when asked why not

Main News Zimbabwe

Highflyer Mugabe clocks 200 000km flying in 6 months, gobbling $80m

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe could have clocked over 200 000 km in the air and used over $80 million in flight travel this year alone according to information gleaned from close government sources.   Mugabe has visited Singapore nearly 10 times

Crime & Courts Main News

Jonathan Moyo says Itai Dzamara was abducted

HIGHER and Tertiary Education minister and Zanu PF politburo member, Jonathan Moyo has made a U-turn and broken ranks with fellow party and government colleagues, saying missing activist, Itai Dzamara could indeed have been abducted. Dzamara, who is believed to

Business Main News

Former ZimbabweFinance Minister Collapses In Parliament

Former Finance Minister and Mount Darwin East Member of the National Assembly Dr Christopher Kuruneri (Zanu-PF) collapsed in Parliament on Thursday, bringing business of the House to a standstill as legislators rushed to render assistance, it has been reported According

Main News Zimbabwe

Tsvangirai appoints Shadow Cabinet

Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai Thursday announced his shadow Cabinet saying it will work hard in crafting and articulating alternative policies and programmes for the country. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai Tsvangirai announced his shadow cabinet before the party’s national

Main News Politics

‘Opposition ministers looted from Treasury’

OPPOSITION MDC and MDC-T ministers in the then Government of National Unity (GNU) lost connection with the poor when they started dipping their hands into the Zanu PF gravy train, a former Cabinet minister has said.   Former National Healing