Search Results for : nelson chamisa
Opinion & Columnist

Mnangagwa’s new age of denials: It wasn’t me

By Gift Phiri Many recall how Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa has ad nauseum ad infinitum claimed there have been break-ins at his offices — five times to be precise. Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa The dodgy break-ins at the party and

Main News Technology

Zimbabwe’s e-Government takes shape as country introduces online company registration & licensing

by Nigel Gambanga (@nigelrtg) Company registration in Zimbabwe or applying for requisite licences to carry out business in industries like mining or farming is hardly easy – anyone who’s been through the processes will admit to that. in fact, it’s

Main News World News

Mugabe era draws to a close but it will be no ordinary succession

by David Pilling and Andrew England in Harare Access to the international markets may help the next president guide Zimbabwe out of the doldrums ©Reuters For much of January, Harare, the charming if somewhat faded capital of Zimbabwe, was awash

Entertainment Main News

Celebrity couples flock to Longest Kiss contest

HARARE – Veteran jazz star Prudence Katomeni-Mbofana, and her husband broadcaster Comfort Mbofana, are among several celebrity couples that will compete in the inaugural Longest Kiss In Africa event to be held at Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare on Valentine’s

Main News Politics

Nonagenarian leader Mugabe says Tsvangirai is dead

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe had a dig Wednesday at main adversary former Prime Minister and opposition MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai for “taking pride in Zanu PF misfortunes”.   “These factional fights are giving currency to the opposition. To people like Tsvangirai;

Business Main News

Zimbabwe to press ahead with controversial indigenisation scheme

by David Pilling and Andrew England High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email

Hansard Main News

Tomana arrest not for debate in Parly: Mnangagwa

The arrest of Prosecutor-General Mr Johannes Tomana popped up in Parliament yesterday with legislators seeking to know Government’s position on the matter. MDC-T legislator Mr Amos Chibaya asked leader of Government business in Parliament Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa the constitutionality

Main News Money & Markets

Zimbabwe crisis: Isolated Mugabe close to striking landmark deal with Western institutions following re-engagement

HARARE – Zimbabwe is close to striking a landmark deal with western multilateral institutions that would see it clear billions in arrears of unpaid debt, access new funds for its troubled economy and end more than 15 years of international

Main News Politics

Gone in 130 mins: Biti turns down widow Joice Mujuru offer at her farm in Beatrice

THE so-called grand coalition of opposition parties is failing to get off the ground as the various sides bicker over a way forward. This publication has gathered that Dr Joice Mujuru, who fronts the yet-to-be launched Peopel First formation, met

Main News

Tsvangirai-Biti feud could reach new heights as PDP boss is tasked to lead grand coalition talks

IN what could be the biggest push to end President Robert Mugabe’s 36-year rule, Zimbabwe’s opposition parties, excluding Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T, have tasked firebrand People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader Tendai Biti to be chief negotiator in talks seeking to forge