ZANU-PF secretary for Information and Publicity Simon Khaya Moyo yesterday blasted former secretary for Administration Cde Didymus Mutasa for ridiculing the party’s 6th National People’s Congress held last year, saying his stance needed to be dismissed with the contempt it deserves.
He said the highly-subscribed congress and the constitutional amendments it made were done above board and, therefore, Mutasa’s allegations were misplaced.
“Cde Mutasa’s remarks are, therefore, extremely absurd in the circumstances,” Khaya Moyo said in a statement.
“He needs to appreciate and come to terms that he is no longer the Zanu-PF secretary for Administration. His feeble attempt to dismiss a constitutionally-convened congress is ridiculous in the extreme and needs to be, as we hereby do, dismissed with the contempt it deserves.
“Zanu-PF will not be derailed from its mission to accelerate the implementation of Zim-Asset for the development and growth of our economy and will ensure that every necessary effort is channelled in that direction.”
Khaya Moyo said it was disturbing that Cde Mutasa sought to dismiss the congress and it’s outcome when he was a central figure in its preparations.
“In terms of that constitution, the party’s secretary for Administration is at the centre of convening that congress,” he said.
“Our last congress was no exception in terms of compliance with this constitutional provision. Accordingly, it is deeply worrying that our former secretary for Administration Cde D Mutasa has sought to issue disparaging remarks regarding our last congress when he was, in keeping with our party constitution, the one responsible for the convening of that congress and inviting delegates to the same congress.
“Cde Mutasa was involved at every stage of this congress and only failed to attend the actual congress on health grounds. His claim that the congress and the amendments to the party constitution were done unprocedurally is, therefore, misplaced.”
Khaya Moyo added that the relevant party organs were involved in amending the constitution as required.
“The amendments to the party constitution were completely procedural as they were discussed by the Politburo, approved by the Central Committee and endorsed by congress.
“President Mugabe’s appointments at the congress were, therefore, legal, constitutional and above board as they emanated from our amended constitution,” he said.
Zanu-PF amended its constitution at the congress and gave President Mugabe powers to appoint his deputies and the Politburo to ensure that the party has one centre of power.
The amendments were made following concerns that former Vice President Joice Mujuru and her cabal were pursuing factional interests by creating a rival centre of power and sought to assassinate or clandestinely remove President Mugabe from office.
Following their failure to get into the Central Committee, the Mujuru-led cabal has sought to disparage the congress and its outcome, with Mutasa granting interviews and making statements exclusively to the private in what analysts have said is a vain attempt to reverse the decisions made at the event.
Mutasa has also threatened to challenge the congress in court, but legal experts have said that he has very little chance, if any, to succeed with his challenge.